Partage via

CipherAlgorithmType Énumération


Définit les algorithmes de chiffrement possibles pour la classe SslStream.

public enum class CipherAlgorithmType
public enum CipherAlgorithmType
type CipherAlgorithmType = 
Public Enum CipherAlgorithmType


Aes 26129

Algorithme Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

Aes128 26126

Algorithme AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) avec une clé 128 bits.

Aes192 26127

Algorithme AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) avec une clé 192 bits.

Aes256 26128

Algorithme AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) avec une clé 256 bits.

Des 26113

Algorithme Data Encryption Standard (DES).

None 0

Aucun algorithme de chiffrement n'est utilisé.

Null 24576

Aucun chiffrement n'est utilisé avec un algorithme de chiffrement Null.

Rc2 26114

Algorithme Rivest's Code 2 (RC2).

Rc4 26625

Algorithme Rivest's Code 4 (RC4).

TripleDes 26115

Algorithme Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES).


L’exemple suivant affiche les propriétés d’un SslStream.

static void AuthenticateCallback( IAsyncResult^ ar )
   SslStream^ stream = dynamic_cast<SslStream^>(ar->AsyncState);
      stream->EndAuthenticateAsClient( ar );
      Console::WriteLine( L"Authentication succeeded." );
      Console::WriteLine( L"Cipher: {0} strength {1}", stream->CipherAlgorithm, stream->CipherStrength );
      Console::WriteLine( L"Hash: {0} strength {1}", stream->HashAlgorithm, stream->HashStrength );
      Console::WriteLine( L"Key exchange: {0} strength {1}", stream->KeyExchangeAlgorithm, stream->KeyExchangeStrength );
      Console::WriteLine( L"Protocol: {0}", stream->SslProtocol );
      // Encode a test message into a byte array.
      // Signal the end of the message using the "<EOF>".
      array<Byte>^message = Encoding::UTF8->GetBytes( L"Hello from the client.<EOF>" );
      // Asynchronously send a message to the server.
      stream->BeginWrite( message, 0, message->Length, gcnew AsyncCallback( WriteCallback ), stream );
   catch ( Exception^ authenticationException ) 
      e = authenticationException;
      complete = true;

static void AuthenticateCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
    SslStream stream = (SslStream) ar.AsyncState;
        Console.WriteLine("Authentication succeeded.");
        Console.WriteLine("Cipher: {0} strength {1}", stream.CipherAlgorithm,
        Console.WriteLine("Hash: {0} strength {1}",
            stream.HashAlgorithm, stream.HashStrength);
        Console.WriteLine("Key exchange: {0} strength {1}",
            stream.KeyExchangeAlgorithm, stream.KeyExchangeStrength);
        Console.WriteLine("Protocol: {0}", stream.SslProtocol);
        // Encode a test message into a byte array.
        // Signal the end of the message using the "<EOF>".
        byte[] message = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello from the client.<EOF>");
        // Asynchronously send a message to the server.
        stream.BeginWrite(message, 0, message.Length,
            new AsyncCallback(WriteCallback),
    catch (Exception authenticationException)
        e = authenticationException;
        complete = true;


Cette énumération spécifie des valeurs valides pour la SslStream.CipherAlgorithm propriété.

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