Partage via

XmlAttribute.CloneNode(Boolean) Méthode


Crée un doublon de ce nœud.

 override System::Xml::XmlNode ^ CloneNode(bool deep);
public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode (bool deep);
override this.CloneNode : bool -> System.Xml.XmlNode
Public Overrides Function CloneNode (deep As Boolean) As XmlNode



true pour cloner récursivement la sous-arborescence sous le nœud spécifié ; false pour cloner seulement le nœud lui-même.



Doublon du nœud.


L’exemple suivant utilise CloneNode pour ajouter un attribut à deux nœuds d’élément différents.

#using <System.Xml.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml;
int main()
   //Create an XmlDocument.
   XmlDocument^ doc = gcnew XmlDocument;
   doc->Load( "2elems.xml" );
   //Create an attribute.
   XmlAttribute^ attr;
   attr = doc->CreateAttribute( "bk", "genre", "urn:samples" );
   attr->Value = "novel";
   //Add the attribute to the first book.
   XmlElement^ currNode = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(doc->DocumentElement->FirstChild);
   currNode->SetAttributeNode( attr );
   //An attribute cannot be added to two different elements.  
   //You must clone the attribute and add it to the second book.
   XmlAttribute^ attr2;
   attr2 = dynamic_cast<XmlAttribute^>(attr->CloneNode( true ));
   currNode = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(doc->DocumentElement->LastChild);
   currNode->SetAttributeNode( attr2 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Display the modified XML...\r\n" );
   XmlTextWriter^ writer = gcnew XmlTextWriter( Console::Out );
   writer->Formatting = Formatting::Indented;
   doc->WriteContentTo( writer );
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;

public class Sample
  public static void Main()
    //Create an XmlDocument.
    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

    //Create an attribute.
    XmlAttribute attr;
    attr = doc.CreateAttribute("bk","genre","urn:samples");
    attr.Value = "novel";

    //Add the attribute to the first book.
    XmlElement currNode = (XmlElement) doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild;

    //An attribute cannot be added to two different elements.
    //You must clone the attribute and add it to the second book.
    XmlAttribute attr2;
    attr2 = (XmlAttribute) attr.CloneNode(true);
    currNode = (XmlElement) doc.DocumentElement.LastChild;

    Console.WriteLine("Display the modified XML...\r\n");
    XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(Console.Out);
    writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml

public class Sample

  public shared sub Main()

    Dim doc as XmlDocument = new XmlDocument()
    'Create an attribute.
    Dim attr as XmlAttribute 
    attr = doc.CreateAttribute("bk","genre","urn:samples")
    attr.Value = "novel"

    'Add the attribute to the first book.
    Dim currNode as XmlElement
    currNode = CType(doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild, XmlElement) 

    'An attribute cannot be added to two different elements.  
    'You must clone the attribute and add it to the second book.
    Dim attr2 as XmlAttribute 
    attr2 = CType (attr.CloneNode(true), XmlAttribute) 
    currNode = CType(doc.DocumentElement.LastChild, XmlElement) 

    Console.WriteLine("Display the modified XML...")
    Dim writer as XmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(Console.Out)
    writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented

  end sub
end class

L’exemple utilise le fichier, 2elems.xmlcomme entrée.

<!--sample XML fragment-->
  <book ISBN='10-861003-324'>
    <title>The Handmaid's Tale</title>
  <book ISBN='1-861001-57-5'>
    <title>Pride And Prejudice</title>


Cette méthode sert de constructeur de copie pour les nœuds. Le nœud cloné n’a pas de parent (ParentNode retourne null).

Le clonage d’un attribut non spécifié retourne un attribut spécifié (Specified retourne true).

S’applique à

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