Partage via

XmlValidatingReader.ResolveEntity Méthode


Résout la référence d'entité pour les nœuds EntityReference.

 override void ResolveEntity();
public override void ResolveEntity ();
override this.ResolveEntity : unit -> unit
Public Overrides Sub ResolveEntity ()


Le lecteur n'est pas placé sur un nœud EntityReference.


L’exemple suivant utilise ResolveEntity pour développer une entité générale.

#using <System.Xml.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml;
int main()
   XmlValidatingReader^ reader = nullptr;
   XmlTextReader^ txtreader = nullptr;
      //Create and load the XmlTextReader with the XML file. 
      txtreader = gcnew XmlTextReader( "book1.xml" );
      txtreader->WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling::None;
      //Create the XmlValidatingReader over the XmlTextReader.
      //Set the reader to not expand general entities.
      reader = gcnew XmlValidatingReader( txtreader );
      reader->ValidationType = ValidationType::None;
      reader->EntityHandling = EntityHandling::ExpandCharEntities;
      reader->MoveToContent(); //Move to the root element.
      reader->Read(); //Move to title start tag.
      reader->Skip(); //Skip the title element.
      //Read the misc start tag.  The reader is now positioned on
      //the entity reference node.
      //Because EntityHandling is set to ExpandCharEntities, you must call 
      //ResolveEntity to expand the entity.  The entity replacement text is 
      //then parsed and returned as a child node.         
      Console::WriteLine( "Expand the entity..." );
      Console::WriteLine( "The entity replacement text is returned as a text node." );
      Console::WriteLine( "NodeType: {0} Value: {1}", reader->NodeType, reader->Value );
      Console::WriteLine( "An EndEntity node closes the entity reference scope." );
      Console::WriteLine( "NodeType: {0} Name: {1}", reader->NodeType, reader->Name );
      if ( reader != nullptr )


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;

public class Sample
  public static void Main()
     XmlValidatingReader reader = null;
     XmlTextReader txtreader = null;

       //Create and load the XmlTextReader with the XML file.
       txtreader = new XmlTextReader("book1.xml");
       txtreader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None;

       //Create the XmlValidatingReader over the XmlTextReader.
       //Set the reader to not expand general entities.
       reader = new XmlValidatingReader(txtreader);
       reader.ValidationType = ValidationType.None;
       reader.EntityHandling = EntityHandling.ExpandCharEntities;

       reader.MoveToContent();  //Move to the root element.
       reader.Read();  //Move to title start tag.
       reader.Skip();  //Skip the title element.

       //Read the misc start tag.  The reader is now positioned on
       //the entity reference node.

       //Because EntityHandling is set to ExpandCharEntities, you must call
       //ResolveEntity to expand the entity.  The entity replacement text is
       //then parsed and returned as a child node.
       Console.WriteLine("Expand the entity...");

       Console.WriteLine("The entity replacement text is returned as a text node.");
       Console.WriteLine("NodeType: {0} Value: {1}", reader.NodeType ,reader.Value);

       Console.WriteLine("An EndEntity node closes the entity reference scope.");
       Console.WriteLine("NodeType: {0} Name: {1}", reader.NodeType,reader.Name);
       if (reader != null)
Option Strict
Option Explicit

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml

Public Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim reader As XmlValidatingReader = Nothing
      Dim txtreader As XmlTextReader = Nothing
         'Create and load the XmlTextReader with the XML file. 
         txtreader = New XmlTextReader("book1.xml")
         txtreader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None
         'Create the XmlValidatingReader over the XmlTextReader.
         'Set the reader to not expand general entities.
         reader = New XmlValidatingReader(txtreader)
         reader.ValidationType = ValidationType.None
         reader.EntityHandling = EntityHandling.ExpandCharEntities
         reader.MoveToContent() 'Move to the root element.
         reader.Read() 'Move to title start tag.
         reader.Skip() 'Skip the title element.
         'Read the misc start tag.  The reader is now positioned on
         'the entity reference node.
         'Because EntityHandling is set to ExpandCharEntities, you must call 
         'ResolveEntity to expand the entity.  The entity replacement text is 
         'then parsed and returned as a child node.  
         Console.WriteLine("Expand the entity...")
         Console.WriteLine("The entity replacement text is returned as a text node.")
         Console.WriteLine("NodeType: {0} Value: {1}", reader.NodeType, reader.Value)
         Console.WriteLine("An EndEntity node closes the entity reference scope.")
         Console.WriteLine("NodeType: {0} Name: {1}", reader.NodeType, reader.Name)
         If Not (reader Is Nothing) Then
         End If
      End Try
   End Sub
End Class

L’exemple utilise le fichier, book1.xmlcomme entrée.

<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<!DOCTYPE book [<!ENTITY h 'hardcover'>]>
  <title>Pride And Prejudice</title>



La XmlValidatingReader classe est obsolète dans .NET Framework 2.0. Vous pouvez créer une instance de validation à XmlReader l’aide de la XmlReaderSettings classe et de la Create méthode. Pour plus d'informations, consultez la section Notes de la page de référence XmlReader.

Si le lecteur est positionné sur un EntityReference nœud (XmlNodeType.EntityReference), s’il Read est appelé après avoir appelé cette méthode, le texte de remplacement d’entité est analysé. Une fois le texte de remplacement d’entité terminé, un EndEntity nœud est retourné pour fermer l’étendue de référence d’entité.


Après avoir appelé cette méthode, si l’entité fait partie d’une valeur d’attribut, vous devez appeler ReadAttributeValue pour effectuer un pas à pas détaillé dans l’entité.

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