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Configures libHttpClient to return mock response instead of making a network call when HCHttpCallPerformAsync() is called.


HRESULT HCMockAddMock(  
         HCMockCallHandle call,  
         const char* method,  
         const char* url,  
         const uint8_t* requestBodyBytes,  
         uint32_t requestBodySize  


call   _In_
Type: HCMockCallHandle

This HC_MOCK_CALL_HANDLE that represents the mock that has been configured accordingly using HCMockResponseSet*()

method   _In_opt_z_
Type: char*

If you want the mock to only apply to a specific URL, pass in a UTF-8 encoded method and URL.

url   _In_opt_z_
Type: char*

If you want the mock to only apply to a specific URL, pass in a UTF-8 encoded method and URL.

requestBodyBytes   _In_reads_bytes_opt_(requestBodySize)
Type: uint8_t*

If you want the mock to only apply to a specific URL & request string, pass in a method, URL and a string body.

requestBodySize   _In_
Type: uint32_t

The size of requestBodyBytes in bytes.

Return value


Result code for this API operation. Possible values are S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, E_OUTOFMEMORY, or E_FAIL.


To define a mock response, create a new HC_MOCK_CALL_HANDLE with HCMockCallCreate() that represents the mock. Then use HCMockResponseSet*() to set the mock response. By default, the mock response will be returned for all HTTP calls. If you want the mock to only apply to a specific URL, pass in a URL. If you want the mock to only apply to a specific URL & request body, pass in a URL and a body. Once the HC_MOCK_CALL_HANDLE is configured as desired, add the mock to the system by calling HCMockAddMock(). You can set multiple active mock responses by calling HCMockAddMock() multiple times with a set of mock responses. If the HTTP call matches against a set mock responses, they will be executed in order for each subsequent call to HCHttpCallPerformAsync(). When the last matching mock response is hit, the last matching mock response will be repeated on each subsequent call to HCHttpCallPerformAsync().


Header: mock.h

Library: libHttpClient.141.GSDK.C.lib

See also
