Registers an event handler for notifications of social relationship changes caused by the registering user.
XblFunctionContext XblSocialAddSocialRelationshipChangedHandler(
XblContextHandle xboxLiveContext,
XblSocialRelationshipChangedHandler handler,
void* handlerContext
xboxLiveContext _In_
Type: XblContextHandle
An xbox live context handle created with XblContextCreateHandle.
handler _In_
Type: XblSocialRelationshipChangedHandler
The callback function that receives notifications.
handlerContext _In_opt_
Type: void*
Client context pointer to be passed back to the handler.
Return value
Type: XblFunctionContext
A XblFunctionContext used to remove the handler.
This handler triggers only if the user changes the relationship with another user. This handler does not trigger if another user changes the relationship with the user. Call XblSocialRemoveSocialRelationshipChangedHandler to un-register event handler.
Header: social_c.h
Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.14x.GDK.C.lib