Partage via


Uploads blob data to title storage.


HRESULT XblTitleStorageUploadBlobAsync(  
         XblContextHandle xboxLiveContext,  
         XblTitleStorageBlobMetadata blobMetadata,  
         const uint8_t* blobBuffer,  
         size_t blobBufferCount,  
         XblTitleStorageETagMatchCondition etagMatchCondition,  
         size_t preferredUploadBlockSize,  
         XAsyncBlock* async  


xboxLiveContext   _In_
Type: XblContextHandle

An xbox live context handle created with XblContextCreateHandle.

blobMetadata   _In_
Type: XblTitleStorageBlobMetadata

Contains properties required to upload the buffer to title storage. Uploads require a service configuration Id, blob path, blob type and storage type at a minimum.

blobBuffer   _In_
Type: uint8_t*

The buffer containing the blob data to upload. This buffer must be available for the duration of the async operation. Clients should not modify the buffer while an upload is in progress.

blobBufferCount   _In_
Type: size_t

The length of blobBuffer.

etagMatchCondition   _In_
Type: XblTitleStorageETagMatchCondition

The ETag match condition used to determine if the blob data should be uploaded.

preferredUploadBlockSize   _In_
Type: size_t

The preferred upload block size in bytes for binary blobs. Binary blobs will be uploaded in multiple chunks of this size if they exceed it. Larger sizes are preferred by the service. If timeouts occur, the app should retry with a smaller size. Block size must be within the 1K to 4MB range. This method will use a default size if this parameter is not within the acceptable range. The current minimum size is 1024 bytes, maximum size is 4194304 bytes and the default size is 262144 bytes. (Optional)

async   _In_
Type: XAsyncBlock*

Caller allocated AsyncBlock.

Return value


HRESULT return code for this API operation.


V1 PUT json/users/xuid({xuid})/scids/{scid}/data/{path},{type}
V1 PUT global/scids/{scid}/data/{path},{type}
V1 PUT sessions/{sessionId}/scids/{scid}/data/{path},{type}


Header: title_storage_c.h

Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.141.GSDK.C.lib

See also
