Partage via


Configures the set of stats that will be tracked real-time. Updates will no longer be received for the provided stats and users.


HRESULT XblUserStatisticsStopTrackingStatistics(  
         XblContextHandle xblContextHandle,  
         const uint64_t* xboxUserIds,  
         size_t xboxUserIdsCount,  
         const char* serviceConfigurationId,  
         const char** statisticNames,  
         size_t statisticNamesCount  


xblContextHandle   _In_
Type: XblContextHandle

Xbox live context for the local user.

xboxUserIds   _In_
Type: uint64_t*

Array of XboxUserIDs for whom to stop tracking the provided stats.

xboxUserIdsCount   _In_
Type: size_t

Length of xboxUserIds array.

serviceConfigurationId   _In_z_
Type: char*

The Service Configuration ID (SCID) for the title. The SCID is considered case sensitive so paste it directly from the Partner Center.

statisticNames   _In_
Type: char**

Array of statistic names for which real-time updates are no longer needed.

statisticNamesCount   _In_
Type: size_t

Length of statisticNames array.

Return value


HRESULT return code for this API operation.


Header: user_statistics_c.h

Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.141.GSDK.C.lib

See also
