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Function Description
XblContextSettingsGetHttpRetryDelay Gets the HTTP retry delay in seconds.
XblContextSettingsGetHttpTimeoutWindow Gets the HTTP timeout window in seconds.
XblContextSettingsGetLongHttpTimeout Gets the connect, send, and receive timeouts for HTTP socket operations of long calls such as Title Storage calls.
XblContextSettingsGetUseCrossPlatformQosServers Gets whether to use the xplatqos server for QoS calls.
XblContextSettingsGetWebsocketTimeoutWindow Gets the web socket timeout window in seconds.
XblContextSettingsSetHttpRetryDelay Sets the HTTP retry delay in seconds.
XblContextSettingsSetHttpTimeoutWindow Sets the HTTP timeout window in seconds.
XblContextSettingsSetLongHttpTimeout Sets the connect, send, and receive timeouts for HTTP socket operations of long calls such as Title Storage calls.
XblContextSettingsSetUseCrossPlatformQosServers Controls whether we use cross platform QoS endpoints or not. In some case if you are shipping with TV_API enabled, you want to be able to choose.
XblContextSettingsSetWebsocketTimeoutWindow Sets the web socket timeout window in seconds.