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Enumeration Description
XblApiType Internal use only.
XblConfigSetting Defines the config settings value that is passed to the below API's.


Function Description
XblAddServiceCallRoutedHandler Registers for all service call notifications.
XblCleanupAsync Immediately reclaims all resources associated with the library.
XblDisableAssertsForXboxLiveThrottlingInDevSandboxes Disables asserts for Xbox Live throttling in dev sandboxes.
XblGetAsyncQueue Gets the async queue that is used for XSAPI's internal asynchronous operations.
XblGetScid Get the service configuration Id for the application. This is set during XblInitialize.
XblInitialize Initializes the library instance.
XblMemGetFunctions Gets the memory hook functions previously set by XblMemSetFunctions.
XblMemSetFunctions Optionally sets the memory hook functions to allow callers to route memory allocations to their own memory manager.
XblRemoveServiceCallRoutedHandler Unregisters from all service call notifications.
XblSetApiType Internal method.
XblSetOverrideConfiguration Sets an override configuration for advanced scenarios where a common Service Configuration ID (SCID) and title Id are needed for cross platform experiences.
XblSetOverrideLocale To override the locale used across XSAPI. If not set, the default is to use the OS locale


Structure Description
XblInitArgs Defines values representing the Xbox Live initialization arguments.
XblServiceCallRoutedArgs Contains information about a service call.