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PlayFab Services SDK Release Notes 2024


For release notes about service releases and product updates, see the release notes section on PlayFab's public GitHub repository


Date: June 21, 2024

  • Added XboxMobileStore to the LoginIdentityProvider and UserOrigination enums
  • Expanded the IdentifiedDeviceType enum in the Authentication API to include a broader set of gaming platforms
  • Updated documented numerical limits for multiple calls in the Economy API
  • Added error codes for new service errors


Date: May 14, 2024

  • Expanded AzureVmFamily and AzureVmSize in the Multiplayer API to include new options:
    • HBv3
    • Ddv5
    • Ddsv5
  • Added LinuxInstrumentationConfiguration to CreateBuild calls in the Multiplayer API
  • Added LoginWithPSN to the Server API


Date: April 26, 2024

  • Removed IncludeMicrosoftFamily in favor of UserFamilyType in the BanInfo and BanRequest data objects in the Admin and Server APIs
  • Added two new calls to the CloudScript API:
    • RegisterEventHubFunction
    • ListEventHubFunctions
  • Added ReviewConfig to CatalogConfig in the Economy API
  • Added three new calls to the Multiplayer API:
    • UploadSecret
    • ListSecretSummaries
    • DeleteSecret


Date: April 1, 2024

  • Added two new calls to the Economy API:
    • Inventory/ExecuteTransferOperations
    • Inventory/GetInventoryOperationStatus


Date: March 15, 2024

  • Added support for compressed service responses to the Unity SDK.
    • To utilize this feature, set the new CompressResponses value in the PlayFabApiSettings class.
  • Fixed a bug in how the C# PlayFabAuthenticationInstanceApi class handled instance-level entity tokens.
  • Added IncludeMicrosoftFamily to the BanInfo and BanRequest data objects in the Admin and Server APIs.
  • Made the following additions to the Economy API:
    • Added OrderBy to GetTransactionHistoryRequest.
    • Added Permissions to StoreDetails.
  • Added error codes for new service errors.


Date: March 1, 2024

  • Added support for compressed service responses to the C# SDK
    • To utilize this feature, set the new CompressResponses value in the PlayFabApiSettings class.
  • Removed AttributeStatistics from the EntityProfileBody property of Profiles/GetEntityProfileResponse
  • Added error codes for new service errors.


Date: February 2, 2024

  • Added GetPlayFabIDsFromPSNOnlineIDs call to the Client and Server APIs.


Date: January 19, 2024

  • Added RoutingPreference to ListQosServersForTitleRequest in the Multiplayer API
  • Made the following changes to LobbyAsServer preview feature in the Multiplayer API:
    • Added Server property to Lobby object returned by Lobby API calls
    • Renamed Server property in UpdateLobbyAsServerRequest to ServerEntity
    • Removed ServerDataStatus from JoinLobbyAsServerResult
  • Added error codes for new service errors.


Date: January 5, 2024

  • Added error codes for new service errors.