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Advanced insights metric descriptions


This article is for the legacy Workplace Analytics app and does not reflect functionality available on the updated Viva Insights platform. Access current documentation for Viva Insights advanced insights here: advanced insights documentation.

To customize queries, you can use the metrics that are defined on this page. They are organized by query type:

Person metrics

The metrics in this table are used both in person queries and in peer-comparison queries.


In Microsoft Teams, teamwork and communication happen in channels. Viva Insights includes several "channel metrics," which measure aspects of team communication over channels (both public channels and private channels) in Teams. These metrics are defined in the following table. When these metrics first become available in the advanced insights app in August, 2021, they will reflect a baseline of only 30 days of historical data; this historical data will increase as time progresses. This differs from other metrics, which usually have 13 months of historical baseline data.

Metric Description Query type Data type Customizable
After hours channel message hours The number of hours that a person spent sending and reading posts and replies in Teams channels, outside of work hours. Person Hour Yes
After hours collaboration Number of hours the person spent in meetings, emails, IMs, and calls with at least one other person, either internal or external, after deduplication of time due to overlapping activities (for example, calls during a meeting), outside of working hours. Person Hour No
After hours email hours Number of hours the person spent sending and receiving emails outside of working hours. Person Hour Yes
After hours in calls Number of hours a person spent in scheduled and unscheduled calls through Teams, outside of working hours. For calls that started during working hours, this number only includes the part of the call that occurred outside of that person’s work schedule (as set in Outlook). Person Hour Yes
After hours instant messages Number of hours a person spent in instant messages through Teams, outside of working hours. Person Hour Yes
After hours meeting hours Number of hours the person spent in meetings outside of working hours. Person Hour Yes
Call hours The number of hours that a person spent in scheduled and unscheduled calls through Teams with at least one other person, during and outside of working hours. Person Hour Yes
Channel message hours The number of hours that a person spent sending and reading posts and reply messages in Teams channels, during and after work hours. Person Hour Yes
Channel messages sent The total number of posts and replies sent per person in Teams channels, during and after work hours.  Person Count Yes
Channel reactions The total number of reactions to posts and replies on Teams channels, during and after work hours. Person Count Yes
Channel visits The total number of visits per person to Teams channels, during and after work hours. Person Count Yes
Channels with active engagement The number of distinct channels in which a person posted, replied, visited, or reacted to a message during the aggregation period of the query. Person Count Yes
Collaboration hours Number of hours the person spent in meetings, emails, IMs, and calls with at least one other person, either internal or external, after deduplication of time due to overlapping activities (for example, calls during a meeting). Person Hour Yes
Collaboration hours external Number of hours the person spent in meetings, emails, IMs, and calls with at least one other person outside the company, after deduplication of time due to overlapping activities (for example, calls during a meeting).   Person Hour No
Conflicting meeting hours Number of meeting hours where the person had overlapping meetings in their calendar. The count includes the entire duration of all overlapping meetings, not just the amount of time that overlaps. (This number includes all non-declined meeting times, which includes accepted, tentative, or no responses to meeting invitations.) Person Hour Yes
Email hours Number of hours the person spent sending and receiving emails. Person Hour Yes
Emails sent Number of emails the person sent. Person Count Yes
External network size The number of people external to the company with whom the person had at least two meaningful interactions in the last four weeks. Person Count Yes
Generated reactions to posts The total number of reactions generated to posts sent by the person on Teams channels. Person Count No
Generated replies to posts The total number of replies generated to posts sent by the person on Teams channels. Person Count No
Generated workload call hours Number of hours that the person spent calling internal recipients through Teams. Person Hour Yes
Generated workload call participants Number of internal participants of calls that were organized by the person. (Counts each participant once for each call.) Person Count Yes
Generated workload calls organized Number of calls that were organized by the person. Person Count Yes
Generated workload email hours Number of email hours that the person created for internal recipients by sending emails.  Person Hour Yes
Generated workload email recipients Number of internal recipients on emails that were sent by the person. (Counts each recipient once for each email received.) Person Count Yes
Generated workload instant message hours Number of instant message hours that the person created through Teams for internal recipients by sending instant messages. Person Hour Yes
Generated workload instant message recipients Number of internal participants of calls that were organized by the person. (Counts each participant once for each call.) Person Count Yes
Generated workload meeting attendees Number of internal attendees in meetings that were organized by the person. (Counts each attendee once for each meeting.) Person Count Yes
Generated workload meeting hours Number of meeting hours that the person created for internal attendees by organizing meetings. Person Hour Yes
Generated workload meetings organized Number of internal meetings that were organized by the person. Person Count Yes
Instant message hours Number of hours that a person spent in instant messages (IMs) through Teams with at least one other person, during and outside of working hours. Person Hours Yes
Instant messages sent Total number of instant messages (IMs) sent by a person through Teams, during and outside of working hours. Person Count Yes
Internal network size The number of people within the company with whom the person had at least two meaningful interactions in the last four weeks. Person Count Yes
Low-quality meeting hours Number of meeting hours in which an attendee was multitasking, attended a conflicting meeting, or attended a meeting that exhibits Redundancy (organizational). Viva Insights admins can set the hourly rate of low-quality meeting time; if this value has not been set, the cost defaults to $75 per person hour. Note: Calculations for conflicting meeting hours are affected by meeting exclusion rules and adjustments based on the type of meetings that overlap (non-declined work meetings, focus hours, and out-of-office time). Person Hour Yes
Manager coaching hours 1:1 Total number of hours that a manager spends in one-on-one meetings with all of the manager's direct reports. Person Hour Yes
Meeting hours Number of hours the person spent in meetings with at least one other person during and outside of working hours. Person Hour Yes
Meeting hours during working hours Number of hours the person spent in meetings, during working hours, with at least one other person. Person Hour Yes
Meeting hours with manager Number of meeting hours where attendees included at least the person and their manager. Person Hour Yes
Meeting hours with manager 1:1 Number of meeting hours involving only the person and their manager. Person Hour Yes
Meetings hours with skip level Number of meeting hours that the person attends where their manager's manager also attends the meeting. Person Hour Yes
Meetings Number of meetings the person attended. Person Count Yes
Meetings with manager Number of meetings where attendees include at least the person and their manager. Person Count Yes
Meetings with manager 1:1 Number of meetings involving only the person and their manager. Person Count Yes
Meetings with skip level Number of meetings where the manager of the person's manager is an attendee. Person Count Yes
Multitasking hours Number of hours the person spent sending emails or instant messages during a meeting or a Teams call. Person Hour No
Multitasking meeting hours Number of meeting hours where the person sent two or more emails per meeting hour. If less than an hour in length, the calculation is two emails or more sent per meeting. New options are available for measuring multitasking volume and frequency that also reflect Teams activity. To measure how frequently meetings or Teams calls are interrupted by emails or instant messages, add the "Included multitasking" filter to the "Meetings" metric or "Calls" metric. To measure the volume of time spent sending emails or instant messages during a meeting or Teams call, check out Multitasking hours. Person Hour Yes
Networking outside company The number of distinct external domains outside the company a person has had at least two meaningful interactions in the last four weeks. Person Count Yes
Networking outside organization The number of distinct organizational units within the company that the person had at least two meaningful interactions in the last four weeks. Person Count Yes
Open 1 hour block Number of one-hour blocks in the person’s calendar without meetings during the workday. Person Count Yes
Open 2 hour blocks Number of two-hour blocks in the person’s calendar without meetings during the workday. Person Count Yes
Peer average (customer collaboration) The total amount (in hours) of customer collaboration for all of the participants in the plan divided by the number of participants in the plan. Person Hour No
Peer average (internal collaboration) The total amount (in hours) of internal collaboration for all of the participants in the plan divided by the number of participants in the plan. Person Hour No
Redundant meeting hours (lower level) Number of meeting hours a person spent in a meeting with both their manager and their skip-level manager present in the meeting.

This metric is not used in calculating Low-quality meeting hours. Analysts can use this metric only when creating Person queries.
Person Hour Yes
Redundant meeting hours (organizational) Number of meeting hours a person spent with attendees from three or more distinct levels within that person’s organization. Used in calculating Low quality meeting hours. Person Hour Yes
Teams with active engagement The number of distinct teams in which a person posted, replied, visited, or reacted to a message during the aggregation period of the query. Person Count Yes
Time in self-organized meetings Number of hours spent in meetings organized by the person with at least one other person. Person Hour Yes
Total calls Total number of calls a person joined through Teams, including scheduled and unscheduled calls during and outside of working hours (as set in Outlook). Person Count Yes
Total emails sent during meeting By the end of August 2021, this metric will be discontinued and unavailable for any future query data. Alternatively, for the same query results, use Emails sent and add the “Is sent during meeting” filter to customize that metric. Person Count Yes
Total focus hours Total number of hours made up of two-hour or more blocks of time where the person had no meetings. The new "Uninterrupted focus hours" metric is now available. It measures the total number of hours where a person has more than or equal to a one-hour block of uninterrupted time to focus on work during their set working hours. Uninterrupted time is when the person has no collaboration activity, including attending a meeting or an unscheduled Teams call, sending emails, or replying or sending an instant message or Teams chat. Person Hour No
Working hours channel message hours The number of hours that a person spent sending and reading posts and replies in Teams channels, during work hours. Person Hour Yes
Uninterrupted focus hours Total number of hours where a person has more than or equal to a one-hour block of uninterrupted time to focus on work during their set working hours. It's only counted as uninterrupted time when the person has no collaboration activity, including attending a meeting or an unscheduled Teams call, sending an email, or sending a Teams instant message. Person Hour No
Working hours collaboration hours Number of hours the person spent in meetings, emails, IMs, and calls with at least one other person, either internal or external, after deduplication of time due to overlapping activities (for example, calls during a meeting), during working hours.  Person Hour No
Working hours email hours Number of hours the person spent sending and receiving emails during working hours.  Person Hour Yes
Working hours in calls Total number of hours a person spent time in scheduled and unscheduled calls with Teams, during working hours. Person Hour Yes
Working hours instant messages Total number of hours a person spent time in instant messages through Teams, during working hours. Person Hour Yes
Workweek span The time between the person's first sent email, meeting attended, or Teams call or chat, and the last email, meeting, call, or chat for each day of the work week. The total number of hours are based on the person’s work week that is set in Outlook, which the user can change at any time. If a work week is not defined in Outlook (or if the advanced insights app is unable to access a user's Outlook settings), the totals are based on the default of Monday through Friday, with a minimum of four hours and a maximum of 16 hours per day. If reported for the week, the metric is a sum of the daily values for the week. If reported for the month, the metric is the sum of the daily values for the month. Person Hour No

Peer-comparison metrics

Peer-comparison queries use the same metrics as person queries. See Person metrics.

Meeting metrics

Metric Description Query type Data type Customizable
Attendee meeting hours Total number of adjusted meeting hours for all attendees.
A meeting query focuses on the meeting as the main entity and reports on the various meeting attributes; a person query looks from a person's perspective and aggregates multiple meetings for the selected time period. Because the two query types have different purposes, their output also differs.
Meeting Hour Yes
Attendees Number of people who attended the meeting. Meeting Count Yes
Attendees multitasking Number of attendees that sent emails or instant messages during a meeting. Meeting Count Yes
Attendees with conflicting meeting Number of attendees with meetings that overlap with the meeting (includes all non-declined meetings, which include accepted, tentative, and no responses to meeting invites). Meeting Count Yes
Emails sent during meetings Number of emails the person sent during all meetings. Meeting Count Yes
Instant messages sent during meetings Number of instant messages sent by attendees during the scheduled meeting time. Meeting Count Yes
Invitees Number of people invited to the meeting. Meeting Count Yes
Redundant attendees The number of attendees of a meeting who are redundant, as defined by the Redundant meeting hours (lower level) metric. For more information about Redundant meeting hours (lower level), see the table that lists Person metrics. Meeting Count Yes
Total meeting cost The total cost of all attendees in a meeting. The meeting cost for each attendee is defined as the product of the attendees' meeting hours multiplied by the attendees' hourly rates. If no hourly rate is available for one or more attendees, the default rate of $75/hr (US dollars) is used to calculate the cost of those attendees. Meeting Currency Yes
Total redundant hours The total number of redundant hours metric for all attendees in a meeting. Meeting Hour Yes

Group-to-group metrics

Metric Description Query type Data type Customizable
Channel messages sent The total number of channel posts and replies sent on Teams channels by the time investor to one or more people in the collaborator group.  Group Count Yes
Collaboration hours Number of hours spent in meetings, emails, IMs, and calls, after deduplication of time due to overlapping activities (for example, calls during a meeting) between the time investor and collaborator groups.   Group Hour No
Email hours Number of hours spent sending and receiving emails between the time investor and collaborator groups.  Group Hour No
Meeting attendee count Total number of attendees in all meetings from the time investor and collaborator groups. Group Count No
Meeting hours Number of meeting hours the time investor group has spent meeting with the collaborator group. Group Hour No
Meeting invitee count Total number of invitees in all meetings from the time investor and collaborator groups. Group Count No
Meetings Number of distinct meetings with at least one attendee from the time investor and collaborator groups. Group Count No
Time investors initiated meeting hours This calculates the number of meeting hours the time investors created only for Internal collaborators or Collaborators within group by organizing meetings. (Does not follow time-allocation logic.)​ Group Hour No

Person-to-group metrics

Metric Description Query type Data type Customizable
Channel messages sent The total number of channel posts and replies sent on Teams channels by the time investor to one or more people in the collaborator group.  Group Count Yes
Collaboration hours Number of hours that the time investor spent in meetings, emails, IMs, and calls with one or more people in the collaborator group, after deduplication of time due to overlapping activities (for example, calls during a meeting). Group Hour No
Email count Count of unique email exchanges (sent and received) that the time investor had with one or more people in the collaborator group. Group Count No
Email hours Number of hours that the time investor spent sending and receiving emails with one or more people in the collaborator group. Group Hour No
Last time contacted The last date and time that the time investor (a measured employee) emailed or attended a meeting with one or more people in the collaborator group for the specified date range. Note that this metric refers only to interactions that were initiated by the time investor. Group DateTime No
Meeting hours Total number of hours that the time investor spent in meetings with one or more people in the collaborator group. This metric uses time allocation logic. Group Hour No
Meetings Number of unique meetings that the time investor attended with one or more people in the collaborator group. Group Count No
Network size Number of people in the collaborator group who had at least two meaningful interactions in the last 28 days with the time investor. This counts both licensed and unlicensed employees in the collaborator group. Group Count No

Network metrics

The following network metrics are based on the collaboration activities, including: emails, meetings, Teams calls, and Teams chats.

Metric Description Query type Data type Customizable
Diverse tie score A numeric score that indicates how varied and how broad a person's connections are. This is based on both the infrequent direct collaboration between two people and on the differences in the common network they share between themselves. (Collaboration activities consist of emails, meetings, Teams calls, and Teams chats.)
A person need not have much direct collaboration with their diverse ties, so it’s easy to have more diverse ties than strong ties. Diverse ties present good sources of fresh and varied information from across the company.
ONA Score No
Diverse tie type A value that indicates the relative diversity of the person's diverse ties. 0 means that the tie is not diverse; 1 means that the tie is diverse; 2 is an intermediate value that means more diverse than 0 but less diverse than 1. (The Diverse tie type metric is derived from the Diverse tie score metric, which in turn is based on the thresholds that are described in The last columns give the results.) ONA Score No
Diverse ties The number of diverse ties that the person has, that is, the number of ties whose Diverse tie type is 1. ONA Count No
Influence A numeric score that indicates how well connected a person is within the company. A higher score means that the person is better connected and has greater potential to drive change. (A person’s connection score is based on the frequency of collaboration activities, which include emails, meetings, Teams calls, and Teams chats with other people within the company.) ONA Score No
Influence rank One of a sequence of numbers that starts with 1. A rank of 1 represents the person with the greatest Influence score; a rank of 2 represents the person with the next greatest Influence score, and so on. If two people have the same Influence score, they also have the same influence rank. ONA Score No
Manager overlapping strong ties The number of strong ties that are in common between a manager and their direct reports. If a manager shares a significant number of strong ties with their directs, this can indicate that they are on the same page and executing on a well known, well understood, common plan. This metric reflects the manager's ability to ensure that the team is working toward progress and team members are up to speed. ONA Count No
Manager unique strong ties The number of strong ties that are unique in the manager's network when contrasted with the strong ties of their direct reports. This metric helps answer the question: "What is the potential of this manager to bring fresh connections and fresh ideas to their team?" ONA Count No
Strong tie score A numeric score that indicates how strong and tight a person’s engagements are. It is based on both direct collaboration between two people and on the common network they share. (Collaboration activities consist of emails, meetings, Teams calls, and Teams chats.)
For example, a "strong tie" between a manager and a direct report reflects both the amount of direct collaboration they have with each other and the time they both invest in connections that are common to both of them. Typically, a person has only a few strong ties because such ties take more effort to maintain.
ONA Score No
Strong tie type A value that indicates the relative strength of the person's strong ties. 0 means that the tie is not strong; 1 means that the tie is strong; 2 is an intermediate value that means stronger than 0 but weaker than 1. (The Strong tie type metric is derived from the Strong tie score metric, which in turn is based on the thresholds that are described in The last columns give the results.) ONA Score No
Strong ties The number of strong ties that the person has; that is, the number of ties whose Strong tie type is 1. ONA Count No