How to install irda (infrared) on Windows LTSC 2019

MICHEL Olivier (External) 0 Points de réputation


I need to install Irda (infrared) component on Windows LTSC 2019, but it's seem to not be available in additionals windows software.

I also tried Windows Update, with powershell:

get-WindowsCapability -online -Name "Network.Irda~~~~"


State: NotPresent

DisplayName :

Description :

DownloadSize : 0

InstallSize : 0

add-WindowsCapability -online -Name "Network.Irda~~~~"


Online: True

RestartNeeded : False

get-WindowsCapability -online -Name "Network.Irda~~~~"


State: NotPresent

DisplayName :

Description :

DownloadSize : 0

InstallSize : 0

It need to be installed another way (Fod iso)?

Thank you for your help.

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  1. Ian Xue (Shanghai Wicresoft Co., Ltd.) 34 191 Points de réputation Fournisseur Microsoft

    Hi MICHEL Olivier (External),

    Please see if you can install the package using DISM. Open cmd or PowerShell as administrator and run

    Dism /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:Network.Irda~~~~

    Best Regards,

    Ian Xue

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