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Tips from working on the SharePoint Force

13/12/2005 Added link for my own blog entry in #6

13/12/2005 Made some modifications to steps in #21



A while ago a Sharepoint team member of mine, Alexandru Bold, started taking notes for himself in trying to remember different tips that could help customers in attacking future issues that might arise.


Many thanks for this Alex, I think this is a very helpful resource for a lot of customers.


From the Menu:

1. How to check the SPS/WSS versions:

2. Interpreting the SPS/WSS versions:

3. Allowing access to the Online Gallery from behind a proxy server or firewall

4. Manually disconnecting an SPS server from the Config DB:

5.Where to find CLSID for word breakers and steamers:

6. Creating a new Config Database:

7. Latest post-SP1 roll-up packages for WSS/SPS

8. How to increase the Timeout settings for WSS/SPS

9. How to check the versions of WSS backups

10. Considerations when installing WSS on a DC

11. SharePoint Portal Search in WSS sites:

12. Migrating SPS/WSS between domains:

13. Manually test the SMTP server:

14. The theory behind Ghosted/un-ghosted pages

15. How to configure your Default SMTP Virtual Server

16. Remove the !New Tag from New Items

17. How to add a custom theme to the list of available WSS themes

18. How to access the Web Parts Maintenance page:

19. Theory between the Web Client and Web Folders

20. SPS Cn Buckets theory

21. Remove the index/job components from topology

22. Paths to be excluded by the Antivirus

23. How to improve the Full-Text Search performance

24. SPS SP2 articles

25. WSS SP2 articles

26. How to manually remove SPS

27. Boost UP the MSI install logging (really useful for debugging patch installation)

28. Where to check for any mismatches regarding the Updates installed

29. Enabling TIFF OCR

30. Enabling RTF indexing

31. Out e-mail template for when sending the SPSReports

Here it goes:

Tips from working on the SharePoint Force

1. How to check the SPS/WSS versions:

a. The _SITE database version:

i. open Enterprise Manager and browse to SQL Server Group -> Databases -> <portalName>1_SITE -> Tables

ii. open the SystemVersion table and take note of the version mentioned there

b. The virtual server’s version:

i. Browse to Central Administration -> Configure virtual server settings from

Virtual Server List page

iii. Take note of the Version mentioned next to the virtual server

c. The environment’s schema version:

i. open Enterprise Manager and browse to SQL Server Group -> Databases -> <portalName>1_SITE -> Tables

ii. open the PortalSchemaVersion table and take note of the version mentioned there

2. Interpreting the SPS/WSS versions:

The followed table shows WSS and SPS version information:

WSS or SPS updates with versions





SP 1


WSS Post SP 1 Security Update


SP 2


For the original release version of SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and for SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1), the columns in the PortalSchemaVersion tables for all the portal databases should be as follows:

BuildVersion 11.0.5704.0

After SharePoint Portal Server 2003 SP2 is installed, the columns in the PortalSchemaVersion tables for all the portal databases should be as follows:

BuildVersion 11.0.8126.0

3. Allowing access to the Online Gallery from behind a proxy server or firewall

  1. On each of the front-end Web server computers, open the web.config file under the following directory in Notepad or another text editor:
  \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\CONFIG
  1. In the web.config file, add the following lines (Proxy_Server:port is the proxy server or firewall used for your environment):
     <proxy proxyaddress="  https://Proxy_Server:port  " bypassonlocal = "true"/> 

3. change the URL attribute of the OnlineLibrary element to the following:

<OnlineLibrary Url=" "/>

  1. Save and close the web.config file.

4. Manually disconnecting an SPS server from the Config DB:

Open the registry editor, and browse to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\Secure\ConfigDB

and delete the dsn key from the path

5.Where to find CLSID for wordbreakers and steamers:

Open the registry editor, and browse to:


e.g. English_US

6. Creating a new Config Database:

Here is a KB Article that addresses the actions you will have to take to create a new Configuration database for your portal:


Be sure to back up your content databases both in SQL and through the SharePoint Portal Server Data Backup and Restore Tool before you take any other actions. Also, the middle step in this KB Article pertaining to renaming the SharePoint Portal Server computer should be ignored as this will not be necessary in your environment.

Also see post

7. Latest post-SP1 roll-up packages for WSS/SPS

Description of the Windows SharePoint Services post-Service Pack 1

WSS – Global – 897329

WSS – EN – 894376

Description of the SharePoint Portal Server 2003 post-Service Pack 1

SPS GLOBAL– 897170

SPS EN- 897315


8. How to increase the Timeout settings for WSS/SPS


a. Set the IIS virtual server connection timeout to 1200 seconds

? Open the IIS manager, right-click on the site for the portal

? Change the value from 120 to 1200

b. Set <httpRuntime executionTimeout="1200"/> in the web.config file for the virtual server

? Open the web.config file under \wwwroot directory (or the folder used by your site)

? The current line should look like <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="51200" />

? You will want it to look like <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="51200" executionTimeout="1200" />


    c. Set the timeout settings for the search server to 60 seconds

? Open the Central Administration Page -> Manage the Search Service

? Under Servers and Topology select, in turn, each of the servers in your farm

? Set the Timeout Settings to 60 seconds


9. How to check the versions of WSS backups

For getting the actual version of the WSS machine, you would use

https://localhost/vslist.aspx , which gives

For getting the version of the backup file we open a DOS prompt and run FINDSTR:

"findstr -b vti_extenderversion backupfile"

10. Considerations when installing WSS on a DC

This is what you need to do to install WSS on a DC:

When installing WSS on a Domain Controller, make sure IIS is installed after the server has been promoted to a DC. Although IIS does not currently have any documentation on this IIS is only supported on a DC if it is installed after the server is promoted. The following problem can occur if IIS was not installed in the correct sequence:

Upon completion of installation, the SharePoint Central Administration pages launch and an authentication prompt appears. After entering username and password 3 times authentication fails for the path "\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET

To correct the problem, change directory to


and run

aspnet_regiis -i.

This operation adds permissions for IIS_WPG, ASPNET, and Network Service with permissions to the Temporary ASP.NET Files directory.

11. SharePoint Portal Search in WSS sites

12. Migrating SPS/WSS between domains

In general we do not recommend and support moving Windows SharePoint Services between domains or even forests for many reasons. This means we will let you know on how to perform this big task. The answers depends on Hardware / Domain relationship / trusts ... We will help you as much as possible on "Best-Effort" support of course - but we will not have escalation path possibilities in here.

Migration process (not actually supported!)

I. In case we are talking about moving a SharePoint server (farm) between two trusted domains; user accounts stay in their original domain and are still resolvable from other domain resources:

1.) Backup your data and restore it on the new server in the new domain using SharePoint Portal Server Data Backup and Restore tool. You will loose the permissions but you can get the content at least

2.) For keeping the permission you just can create a trust between the new domain and the old domain. The issue here is that all user accounts are still in the tables with their old domain account. You will access the data with the old accounts and the email information behind subscription will be still the old address.

3.) Using the SPUserUtil (see information below) would help in setting / replacing incorrect accounts anyway.

4.) Tool called RenameServer helping you to rename absolute path entries in the databases for the old Server to the correct name in the new Domain.


II. In case we are talking about moving a SharePoint server (Farm) (+ Hardware) between two different Forests (non-trusted) it is even getting worse as we cannot authenticate us (with old accounts) against the foreign domain / server too - means you will use a newly created Domain accounts to log in and authenticate yourself against SPS.

1. Back-up the Portal with the SharePoint Portal Server Data Backup and Restore tool.

2. Back-up the entire Server.

3. Uninstall SharePoint Portal Server in its entirety (that is SharePoint Portal Server and then Windows SharePoint Services in that order).

4. Delete the SharePoint Portal Application Pools (the defaults are MSSharePointPortalAppPool and CentralAdminAppPool).

5. Change domains (that is, join a workgroup, reboot your server, join the new domain, and reboot the server).

6. Reinstall SharePoint Portal Server and create a new Configuration Database.

7. Restore the Content databases via the SharePoint Portal Server Data Backup and Restore tool.


The difficulty with moving domains (from DOMAIN1 to DOMAIN2, say) is that all items associated with specific DOMAIN1\users will no longer be valid links. We may have inaccurate:

- user-profile information

- portal contacts lists

- user alerts

- my sites

- site ownership/area ownership

- application pools

- database permissions and local group membership

- Crawler accounts

- etc.

To get around the problem of inaccurate DOMAIN1 links, download the SPUserUtil to the Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server and then extract the file to (for instance)

the root of C:

Sharepoint Utility Suite ( )

Site ownership/area ownership

The command line to enumerate all your sites will be: stsadm -o enumsites -url <URL>

To change the owners of sites

run: stsadm.exe -o siteowner -url <url> [-ownerlogin <DOMAIN\username> | -secondownerlogin <DOMAIN\username>]

13. Manually test the SMTP server

Type in the following commands:

TELNET <SMTPServername> 25 (Enter)

HELO (Enter)

MAIL FROM: email Address (Enter)

RCPT TO: email address (Enter)

DATA (Enter)

TEST MSG (Enter)

. (Enter)

14. The theory behind Ghosted/un-ghosted pages

Ghosted pages are pages whose actual content does not reside in the content database, but a corresponding row for the page can be found in the database. For example, the default home page is a ghosted page. New web part pages are also ghosted. Ghosted pages are handled by the parser. Ghosted pages become un-ghosted once the file has been modified (e.g. using FrontPage 2003 or via web folders). All uploaded .aspx files are automatically considered as un-ghosted.

Un-ghosted pages are routed through the WSS SafeMode parser.

The SafeMode parser

a) prevents server-side code from executing and

b) depends exclusively on the SafeControls list to determine which controls can, or can not, be rendered.

To determine if a page is un-ghosted, open the Query Analyzer and run the following query against the _SITE database:

SELECT DirName, LeafName, Content FROM Docs WHERE (LeafName LIKE ‘%aspx%’)

If the Content is not NULL, than the page is no longer mapped to the physical files on the Front-End servers.

15. How to configure your Default SMTP Virtual Server

If it is not installed, do so by going to

- Add or Remove Programs

- Add/Remove Windows Components

- Details on Application Server

- Details on Internet Information Services (IIS)

- SMTP Service

After it has been installed it will show up in the IIS Manager as Default SMTP Virtual Server

Right-click on this component and choose Properties

You can use the Relay button on the Access tab to set the IP Address of which server can send through this SMTP server. For now itshould be All except the list below.

On the Delivery Tab:

- Check the Outbound Security

o Make this Anonymous access

- Click on Advanced.. to go to the Advanced Delivery section

o You should have your FQDN listed there

o Place the SMTP server name in the Smart Host field

o You can also place the IP Address in square brackets e.g. []

o Leave the other options unchecked

o Click OK

- Click OK


You can now test this SMTP server.

16. Remove the !New Tag from New Items

When you add a new entry to announcements, events, or links on a website, the new entry always includes a tag that is made up of the exclamation point character (!) and the word New (!New). To prevent the !New tag from appearing next to new entries on your website, use the Stsadm.exe tool to change the Days To Show New Icon property to zero by typing the following commands in a command-prompt window:

\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\BIN stsadm.exe -o setproperty -pn days-to-show-new-icon -pv 0 –url Your_Virtual_Server_URL

17. How to add a custom theme to the list of available WSS themes

  • On the navigation bar, click Site Settings, and then, in the Customization section, click Apply theme to site.
  • In the Address bar on the browser, replace the file name themeweb.aspx with spthemes.xml. ( For example https://server_name/_layouts/1033/spthemes.xml )
  • Edit the XML file, and add a new section for your custom theme, similar to the following code:








18. How to access the Web Parts Maintenance page:

In the Address bar attach the ?contents=1” to the normal access default page.

e.g. https://<portalAddress>/default.aspx?contents=1

19. Theory between the Web Client and Web Folders

There are two clients involved in this scenario. We have the WebFolders (codename Rosebud) client (shipped with Office and SPS client components) and the WebClient service (shipped with windows XP/2003). The WebFolder client is using <https://> (Vermeer RPC packets) to connect to Sharepoint. The WebClient service uses UNC path ( \\ ) (DAV over HTTP) to connect to Sharepoint.

The Web Folders are always used (https://...) when creating a My Network Place to a site that uses host headers or a non-default port (different than 80) because of the header changes

Scenario 1: Web Client service enabled:

The main reason behind this is that this will allow programs that are not "Sharepoint aware" (e.g. notepad) to save their file into a Sharepoint box (Office programs are "Sharepoint aware"). Secondly, using UNC path (\\) will also allow you to map a drive for a Sharepoint location.

Which one is used first?

The WebClient is the first one that tries to connect via \\ means via (DAV over HTTP). If this fails, it will use <https://> (Vermeer RPC packets) from the webfolder client. There are circumstances where the WebClient might fail, but most of these should be fixed by now in this update:

892211 Description of the Software Update for Web Folders: January 25, 2005

Note: If you are using Microsoft Office to save documents back and forward via My Network Places and you do this via a UNC connection, it will automatically create a <https://> connection as well.

Scenario 2: How can we make it consistent - or - if the WebClient Service is disabled

If you can live without the additional functionality mentioned above, you can just disable the WebClient service under services. You will lose the functionality of connecting as a UNC path (\\) and will make sure that only <https://> connections are made towards Sharepoint. Note that after you disabled the WebClient service, you need to reboot the client machine.

20. SPS Cn Buckets theory

The most important issue that one needs to understand here is that Web and Category (Area) hierarchy exist completely independently of each other. The reason for this is that web hierarchy lacked some key features that categories must have (e.g. moving to a different parent). Therefore, we had to make up a separate hierarchy algorithm for the webs (which also defines the nature of the URLs). Now we cannot put too many webs under the same parent for misc scalability reasons, therefore we invented the concept of a "bucket" web (that's the Cn that you see in the URL). The basic algorithm is that every bucket (including the root) can include 20 other buckets and 20 regular webs.

Therefore 20 of the first areas that you create (including the out-of-box areas) will go under the root, and the rest will go under buckets. Buckets on a certain level are filled in a round robin fashion, so the first area will go under C1, second to C2 etc. Once all the first level buckets are filled, we move on to fill the second level, i.e. C1/C1, C1/C2, ... C19/C19.

So the root level accommodates 20 areas, first bucket level 400 areas, second level 8000 etc.

One important behavior is that once you delete any area, we free up its slot in the bucket hierarchy, so that if you create another area after that, it will go to the same bucket (or if you delete something from under root, the next area will go under root).

For more details:

21. Remove the index/job components from topology

- Remove the search, index and job role from the Configure server topology page from the Central Administration page.

- Stop and disable the Microsoft SharePointPS Search service on the Index/Job server

- Delete the folder C:\program files\SharePoint Portal Server\DATA\<ID>

- Re-apply the index/job components

- Set the Microsoft SharePointPS Search service back to Manual startup and actually start the service.


If we are dealing with a small farm (all components on the same server), the Search component will also have to be re-added as part of the procedure

22. Paths to be excluded by the AntiVirus

On the SQL Backend:
· Excluded .MDF, .LDF, .NDF, .TRN, .BAK and .SLS
· Excluded sqlmangr.exe and sqlservr.exe

On the Frontends

· Excluded C:\PROGRAM FILES\SharePoint Portal Server\Bin\*


·         C:\WINDOWS\Temp\FrontPageTempDir\*

· C:\Documents and Settings\\<SPSServiceAccount>\Local Settings\Temp\*

· C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles
· W3wp.exe, cbd.exe, cidaemon.exe, owstimer.exe (WSS)

23. How to improve the Full-Text Seatch performance

24. SPS SP2 articles

You cannot restart a SharePoint Portal Server 2003 database upgrade

SharePoint Portal Server 2003 is removed when you try to install SharePoint Portal Server 2003;en-us;907376&sd=rss&spid=2528

KB 887623 Description of Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Service Pack 2

KB 906337 Issues that are fixed in SharePoint Portal Server 2003 by SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Service Pack 2

KB 907763 SPS requires ASP.NET 1.1 be installed on the server if ASP.NET 2.0 is also installed.

KB 907377 How to address the case where SPS SP 2 does not updated the databases during service pack installation

KB 905229 How to update an evaluation version to SPS RTM if SPS if SPS SP 1 or SPS SP 2 has been installed on it.

25. WSS SP2 articles

 WSS SP 2 KB article listing all of the fixes

 Guidance for deploying WSS SP 2 including the new SP 2 version number

 Steps for manually upgrading in case the databases do not get updated

26. How to manually remove SPS

*Manually uninstall Sharepoint Portal Server (repair and uninstall failed with an error message)
- Remove the C:\Program Files\Sharepoint Portal Server folder
- Remove the SPSAdmin, SPSAlert and MSSharepointPSSearch services (e.g. via XNet -
- Remove the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Sharepoint Portal Server registry key
- Remove the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Sharepoint Portal Server registry key
- Remove the Microsoft Office Sharepoint Portal Server 2003 item from Add/Remove Programs via the registry

* Reinstall SPS2003

* Do NOT use the old config database, but create a new one

* Restore the portals by using the existing databases

* Restore team site virtual servers by extending new ones (create new database), add the old database and then remove the newly created database

* Reinstall all webparts, styles, themes, etc

27. Boost UP the MSI install logging (really useful for debugging patch installation)

1. Quit any programs that are running.

2. Click Start, and then click Run.

3. In the Open box, type "regedit" (without the quotation marks), and then click OK.

4. In Registry Editor, select the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software

5. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click Key.

6. With New Key #1 selected, type "Policies" (without the quotation marks), and then press ENTER.

7. With the Policies key selected, point to New on the Edit menu, and then click Key.

8. With New Key #1 selected, type "Microsoft" (without the quotation marks), and then press ENTER.

9. With the Microsoft key selected, point to New on the Edit menu, and then click Key.

10. With New Key #1 selected, type "Windows" (without the quotation marks), and then press ENTER.

11. With the Windows key selected, point to New on the Edit menu, and then click Key.

12. With New Key #1 selected, type "Installer" (without the quotation marks), and then press ENTER.

13. With the Installer key selected, point to New on the Edit menu, and then click String Value.

14. With New Value #1 selected, type "Logging" (without the quotation marks), and then press ENTER.

15. With the Logging value selected, click Modify on the Edit menu.

16. In the Value data box, type "voicewarmup" (without the quotation marks), and then click OK. NOTE: You can use other combinations of logging options in the Value data box. However, do not include L from the /L logging switch, because that is only used on the command line. Also, do not use the + or * logging options, because they do not work in this scenario.

17. Quit Registry Editor.

When you turn on logging by using the registry, the logging file that is created is called MSInnnnn.log, where nnnnn is a random set of five alphanumeric characters. The file is stored in the Temp folder. Because a new MSInnnnn.log file is created whenever the Windows Installer runs, the use of this registry modification should be strictly controlled.

28. Where to check for any mismatches regarding the Updates installed


29. Enabling TIFF OCR

Method 1: Manually edit the registry Add the PerformOCR registry entry to the following registry subkey, and then set the PerformOCR registry entry to a value of 1:


To enable optical character recognition in TIFF files, follow these steps.

· Click Start, and then click Run.

· In the Open box, type regedit , and then click OK.

· Locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MSPaper

· On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.

· Type PerformOCR , and then press ENTER.

· On the Edit menu, click Modify.

· To enable optical character recognition, type 1 in the Value data box

· click OK.

Note To disable optical character recognition, set the PerformOCR registry entry to 0 (zero).

· Quit Registry Editor.

· Restart the Microsoft Search service. To do this, follow these steps:

o Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Services.

o Right-click Microsoft Search, and then click Restart.

Method 2: Use the Tiff_ocr_on.reg file Use the Tiff_ocr-on.reg file to add the

PerformOCR registry entry to the following registry subkey:


  • Locate the Support\Tools folder on the SharePoint Portal Server 2003 CD, and then double-click the Tiff_ocr_on.reg file.
  • Restart the Microsoft Search service. To do this, follow these steps:
  • Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Services.
  • Right-click Microsoft Search, and then click Restart.

30. Enabling RTF indexing

Sharepoint Portal Server 2003 does not ship an RTF IFilter in the box. But you can use the Ifilter available from the Sharepoint Server 2001 Resource Kit.


You can download this Ifilter from:


There are several steps needed to get the IFilter working:


1. Copy and Register the IFilter DLL



- Copy rtffilt.dll to C:\WINDOWS\System32

- open a command window and type the following commands:


    cd \windows\system32

    regsvr32 rtffilt.dll


2. Add the DLL to the DLLsToRegister for the ContentIndex



- On the taskbar, click Start, and then click Run.

- Type regedt32, and then click OK.

- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex.

- Double-click DLLsToRegister.

- In the Multi-String Editor dialog box, find the entry for nlhtml.dll.

- To add another string, position the insertion point after nlhtml.dll, and then press ENTER.

- Type C:\WINNT\System32\rtffilt.dll

- Click OK to close the dialog box.

- Close Registry Editor.


3. Add the file type RTF to the filetypes that are indexed



- On the portal Site browse to “Site Settings”

- In the section "Search Settings and Indexed Content" click on "Configure search and indexing"

- In the top section titled "General Content Settings and Index Status" click "Include file types"

- Click "New File Type"

- In the "File extension" field enter "RTF" (without the quotes)

- Click OK


4. Configure the right IFilter for the RTF FileType



- On the taskbar, click Start, and then click Run.

- Type regedt32, and then click OK.

- Navigate to LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SPSSearch\ContentIndexCommon\Filters\Extension\.rtf

- Double-click (Default)

- Replace the entry inside with {e2403e98-663b-4df6-b234-687789db8560}



- in the Registry Editor, search for “rtffilt.dll” under HKLM\software\Classes\CLSID and make sure the above is the correct identifier



5. Stop and start the services



- If possible restart the server at this time

- otherwise

  - Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Services.

  - Right-click "Microsoft SharepointPS Search" and then click Start or Restart.

  - Right-click "IIS Admin Service" and click Start or Restart


6. Reset the Index and rebuild it



- On the Portal click "Site Settings"

- In the section "Search Settings and Indexed Content" click "Configure search and indexing"

- In the top section titled "General Content Settings and Index Status" enable the "Advanced Index Administration mode" if you did not enable it earlier

- In "Configure search and Indexing" in the section "Content Indexes" select "Manage content indexes"

- Click the little down arrow (that appears when you hover the mouse over the name of a content source) right of the name of the content sources one by one and select "Reset Content Index"

- After a while the content sources will start to re-index, but you can also click the little down arrow right of the name of the content sources one by one and select "Start full update"

- When indexing has finished you will be able to index RTF content in Sharepoint Portal Server 2003

31. Out e-mail template for when sending the SPSReports

1. Repro the problem and send me a screenshot of the error.

2. Please rename the attached file to .exe and run SPSReport /C and enter in the dialog the target folder name for some extracted files

3. Go to C:\WINDOWS\SPSReports\Portal\bin through Command-Prompt and start "SPSRpt.cmd /f"

4. It will create .cab file (takes some time to complete 20+ minutes).

5. Send me also application and system logs in .EVT format.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    For those who aggregate my feed and do not often visit the blog iteself... I've updated my SharePoint...

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Free SharePoint Web Parts (3rd Party) Konrad Brunner - UGS&#39;s Web Parts (broken link 8/25) Document

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    January 05, 2006
    Great Post!


    Luis Du Solier G

  • Anonymous
    January 07, 2006
    Thanks :) this is really a very useful post.

  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2006

  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2006

  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2006

  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2006

  • Anonymous
    June 19, 2006
    Your article is prety nice. It's a pity that i didn't see it more later.

  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2006
    Persone los pioneros non rabata. Great...

  • Anonymous
    December 13, 2007  ,

  • Anonymous
    December 13, 2007  ,

  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2008
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  • Anonymous
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    January 23, 2008
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    January 24, 2008
    pieces which are annually paid to him, it is because the amount of those of money. The parliament of Scotland, when he first proposed his project,

  • Anonymous
    February 29, 2008
    lVoAuY r u crazzy? I told u! I can't read!

  • Anonymous
    March 01, 2008
    c48Tfa r u crazzy? I told u! I can't read!

  • Anonymous
    March 06, 2008
    Qz4Ff8 r u crazzy? I told u! I can't read, man!

  • Anonymous
    March 06, 2008
    WUYSpe r u crazzy? I told u! I can't read!

  • Anonymous
    March 07, 2008
    96wtqI r u crazzy? I told u! I can't read!

  • Anonymous
    March 07, 2008
    p2qqgY r u crazzy? I told u! I can't read!

  • Anonymous
    March 07, 2008
    25KMCt r u crazzy? I told u! I can't read!

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2008
    IbK5ZD r u crazzy? I told u! I can't read!

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2008
    lZ5x9q r u crazzy? I told u! I can't read!

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2008
    Wjp9OC r u crazzy? I told u! I can't read!

  • Anonymous
    July 05, 2012
    This article is very useful A good example of a SharePoint 2010 site is: