The 5 most read Visual Studio ALM help topics on MSDN
Curious about what other people are reading about Application Lifecycle Management in Visual Studio? Here are the 5 VS ALM topics that are read most often on MSDN:
Topic | Views |
Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management | 130,061 |
MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0 | 114,968 |
Testing the Application | 77,013 |
What's new in Application Lifecycle Management for Visual Studio 2010 | 72,039 |
Planning and Tracking Projects | 56,208 |
These are all toward the top of the table of contents, which suggests that viewers are coming in to the content through the table of contents. MSF for Agile is a notable expection. It's a child of Planning and Tracking Projects, but has more page views than any other topic except the top topic in the TOC for VS ALM. If the most viewed appeared larger in the TOC, the outline of these topics would look something like this.
Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management
What's new in Application Lifecycle Management for Visual Studio 2010
MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0