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Twitter on PHP versus ASP.NET

NETTUTS is a good website for web development and design tutorials:

Jeffrey Way, the person behind the NETTUTS website also maintains a NETTUTS profile on both Facebook and Twitter where his latest statuses caught my eye.

Turns out he innocently posted an update to TWITTER in support of ASP.NET with a slight knock against PHP, and apparently that brought a lot of responses from other Twitterers, both ASP.NET and PHP developers on PHP vs. ASP.NET.

Here are NETTUT’s tweets in order of their appearance:

  1. I just received a fantastic series of about 25 ASP.NET (C#) videos that we'll be posting on the site. Really excited to offer these.
  2. People are quick to attack ASP.NET - mostly because of ignorance. Take a look at what corporations are looking for. You won't see much PHP.
  3. Not to say that I don't love PHP; I do...very much so.
  4. Obviously you can still find a job in PHP. But in general, big corporations don't use it. Does your bank use PHP?
  5. @zacharyjohnson - Are you sure you know the definition of "agnostic"? I'm stating facts, not opinions. I love both.
  6. Last tweet. There's more than plenty to go around. Many successful companies use PHP. But, from my experiences, the majority of them don't
  7. I'm sorry I brought it up. I never said that big companies don't use PHP. These are just statistics that I'm reciting. I love PHP too!


To read the responses from other Twitterers which NETTUTS was reacting to, check out this search for replies posted the same day:

Being on the Expression Web team, although I work at Microsoft, I could care less whether you choose PHP or ASP.NET since Expression Web supports both PHP and ASP.NET anyway!