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Windows Defender Beta 2 Refresh

Today, we released a refresh of Windows Defender (Beta 2) which includes updates based on the customer feedback that we have received through this blog and the newsgroups

. This update also addresses some issues that have been brought to our attention around signature updating, improves upon the usability of Windows Defender and also improves our SpyNet reporting capabilities.

First off, we have added a checkbox option to

continually display the system tray icon. We heard your feedback loud and clear on this one, so those who want to see our icon with the little green check in their system tray as a sign of system health can now do so. We have also improved Windows Defender's ability to report more accurate data about potentially unwanted software through SpyNet so that we can help create better definition updates.

Finally, we've made some minor updates to the UI and we are on track to release our Japanese and German localized versions and expect to turn on the update notification for existing Beta 1 and Beta 2 customers soon - so keep an eye out!

I would also like to urge you to opt-into the "Advanced" participation level in SpyNet. In this mode, you will not only be alerted of changes to critical system settings by recognized and potentially unwanted applications but you will also be notified of changes by applications that have not yet been classified. By choosing "Advanced" you can help combat spyware by sending back full reports and potential samples to our analysts.

To the extent any personal information is included in an "Advanced" member report, this information will not be used to identify you or contact you in accordance with our privacy policy. For example, under the "Basic" setting, the SpyNet report will strip off the path to an executable it found, in case it was in a folder that contained your user name; however, knowing where potentially unwanted applications install is useful information. Thank you for helping us fight spyware and potentially unwanted software!

With these upcoming changes to our reporting network and our core technology, we will improve our detection and removal capabilities even more in the upcoming months.

