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BAM Tracking not working correctly with custom pipeline component when message type is unknown

We recently received a problem reported by our customer that BAM tracking doesn't work correctly with custom pipeline component when message type is unknown. Below are the details.


The problem:


We are using Microsoft Biztalk Server 2013 R2. The problem that I am having is to do with BAM. BAM isn’t "continuing" correctly if the Send Port contains a custom "Send Pipeline". It works fine with the default "PassThruTransmit" Send Pipeline


BAM scenario that “continues” OK (correlates the Receive and Send Port activities)

1)      A Receive Port picks up a zip file that contains binary data. It uses a FILE Adapter and a “PassThruReceive” pipeline

2)      A Send Port subscribes to the ReceivePortName property. It uses a FILE Adapter and a “PassThruTransmit” pipeline

3)      A BAM activity has been created on the Receive Port and the Send Port.

4)      There is a BAM tracking profile setup on the Receive Port and the Send Port. It uses the InterchangeID for continuation

5)      If I drop a file in the Biztalk ReceiveLocation, then the Send Port continuation is being recorded in the BAM Activity tables OK


BAM scenario that breaks “continuation”


I change the Send Port so that it has a

  1. Custom send pipeline
    1.                                                                i.     
  2. That contains a single pipeline component (with no properties) created with the “Pipeline Component Project” supplied with Visual Studio
    1.                                                                i.     
  3. And this pipeline component just has the default implementation of the IComponent.Execute method (created by the Pipeline Component Wizard)


Once I change the Send Port to use this pipeline then the Send Port does not continue correctly (using the same BAM activity and tracking profile as before)


Debugging of custom pipeline component scenario:


In the TTT trace I captured, I can clearly see the following call stack of DoBamTracking() API when a msg with *known* message type triggered BAM tracking. As you can see, the AddBamTrackingXPath() and LoadBAMConfig() calls are properly invoked by ProcessXmlNodes() to retrieve and add the BAM data of the send port .

Working Callstack:



13> kc


00 Microsoft_BizTalk_Messaging!Microsoft.BizTalk.Messaging.BAMArtifactCache.LoadBAMConfig(System.String, Int32, System.String, System.String)

01 Microsoft_BizTalk_Messaging!Microsoft.BizTalk.Messaging.BAMMessagingInterceptorBase.LoadTrackPointInformationByMessageType(System.Guid, System.String)

02 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline_Components!Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmReader.AddBamTrackingXPath(System.Guid, System.String, Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessageContext, Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext, Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XPathAnnotationCollection)

03 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline_Components!Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmReader.Read()

04 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline_Components!Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmStreamWrapper.ProcessXmlNodes(Int32)

05 Microsoft_BizTalk_Streaming!Microsoft.BizTalk.Streaming.XmlBufferedReaderStream.Process()

06 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline_Components!Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmStreamWrapper.ReadInternal(Byte[], Int32, Int32)

07 Microsoft_BizTalk_Streaming!Microsoft.BizTalk.Streaming.EventingReadStream.Read(Byte[], Int32, Int32)

08 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline_Components!Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmComp.GetOutputData(System.IO.Stream, System.String)

09 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline_Components!Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmComp.GetNext2(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext)

0a Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline_Components!Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmComp.GetNext(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext)

0b Microsoft_BizTalk_Messaging!Microsoft.BizTalk.Internal.ComponentWrapper.GetNext(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext)

0c Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline!Microsoft.BizTalk.PipelineOM.Pipeline.DoBamTracking(Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage, BamTrackingMode, Boolean, Boolean)


Message with valid schema:


0:013> !DumpObj /d 0fde7c54

Name:        System.Byte[]

MethodTable: 736a6d34

EEClass:     7330cb44

Size:        268(0x10c) bytes

Array:       Rank 1, Number of elements 256, Type Byte (Print Array)

Content:     ...<ns0:Root xmlns:ns0="https://EmptyCustomPipeline.Schema1".....................................................................





However in the case of input message without valid message type, I found the AddBamTrackingXPath() and LoadBAMConfig() functions will never be called.


Non-working callstack:



0:013> kc


00 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline_Components!Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmReader.Read()

01 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline_Components!Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmStreamWrapper.ProcessXmlNodes(Int32)

Unable to load image Microsoft.BizTalk.Streaming.dll, Win32 error 0n2

*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for Microsoft.BizTalk.Streaming.dll

02 Microsoft_BizTalk_Streaming!Microsoft.BizTalk.Streaming.XmlBufferedReaderStream.Process()

03 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline_Components!Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmStreamWrapper.ReadInternal(Byte[], Int32, Int32)

04 Microsoft_BizTalk_Streaming!Microsoft.BizTalk.Streaming.EventingReadStream.Read(Byte[], Int32, Int32)

05 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline_Components!Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmComp.GetOutputData(System.IO.Stream, System.String)

06 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline_Components!Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmComp.GetNext2(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext)

07 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline_Components!Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmComp.GetNext(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext)

08 Microsoft_BizTalk_Messaging!Microsoft.BizTalk.Internal.ComponentWrapper.GetNext(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext)

09 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline!Microsoft.BizTalk.PipelineOM.Pipeline.DoBamTracking(Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage, BamTrackingMode, Boolean, Boolean)


Message without valid schema:


0:013> !DumpObj /d 0fdd6c48

Name:        System.Byte[]

MethodTable: 736a6d34

EEClass:     7330cb44

Size:        268(0x10c) bytes

Array:       Rank 1, Number of elements 256, Type Byte (Print Array)

Content:     ...<Root........................................................................................................................





Then I dig into the code of XmlDasmStreamWrapper.ProcessXmlNodes() and XmlDasmReader.Read() and confirm it does only process BAM tracking data for recognized messages. Please refer to the code snippet below.


Reflected code:



// Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.XmlDasmReader
public override bool Read()
    bool flag = true;
    if (this.m_state == XmlDasmReader.ProcessingState.finish)
        flag = false;
        if (this.m_bNewDoc)
            NodeProcessor current = this.m_npStk.Current;
            if (current.RecognizedMessage && this.BAMTrackingNeeded)
                XmlDasmReader.AddBamTrackingXPath(this.BAMTrackingID, current.DocType, current.MessageContext, this.PipelineContext, current.XPathAnnotations);
            if (this.HasAttributes)




Debugging of passthrough pipeline scenario:


Just as the assumption, the default passthrough pipeline’s code path/callstack to write BAM tracking data is different.


0:013> kc


00 Microsoft_BizTalk_Messaging!Microsoft.BizTalk.Messaging.BAMArtifactCache.LoadBAMConfig(System.String, Int32, System.String, System.String)

01 Microsoft_BizTalk_Messaging!Microsoft.BizTalk.Messaging.BAMMessagingInterceptorBase.LoadTrackPointInformationByMessageType(System.Guid, System.String)

02 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline!Microsoft.BizTalk.PipelineOM.Pipeline.IsMessageContentTracking(Microsoft.BizTalk.PipelineOM.IBAMMessagingInterceptorInt, System.Guid, System.String)

03 Microsoft_BizTalk_Pipeline!Microsoft.BizTalk.PipelineOM.Pipeline.DoBamTracking(Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage, BamTrackingMode, Boolean, Boolean)


By comparing to the previous TTT, the IsMessageContentTracking() functionnever gets called incustom empty pipeline’s scenario.

1b7e81d3 8b4d98          mov     ecx,dword ptr [ebp-68h]

1b7e81d6 ff157c040901    call    dword ptr ds:[109047Ch] (CLRStub[VSD_DispatchStub]@89f608b90109848a)

1b7e81dc 8d45b8          lea     eax,[ebp-48h]

1b7e81df 83ec10          sub     esp,10h

1b7e81e2 f30f7e00        movq    xmm0,mmword ptr [eax]

1b7e81e6 660fd60424      movq    mmword ptr [esp],xmm0

1b7e81eb f30f7e4008      movq    xmm0,mmword ptr [eax+8]

1b7e81f0 660fd6442408    movq    mmword ptr [esp+8],xmm0

1b7e81f6 56              push    esi

1b7e81f7 8b4db0          mov     ecx,dword ptr [ebp-50h]

1b7e81fa 8b559c          mov     edx,dword ptr [ebp-64h]

1b7e81fd ff15300a701a    call    dword ptr ds:[1A700A30h] (Microsoft.BizTalk.PipelineOM.Pipeline.IsMessageContentTracking(Microsoft.BizTalk.PipelineOM.IBAMMessagingInterceptorInt, System.Guid, System.String), mdToken: 060006e6)

1b7e8203 85c0            test    eax,eax


The code snippet is like below. The reason is that in passthrough pipeline, stage count is 0. But in custom pipeline with our empty pipeline component, the stage count is 1. So the code jumps/goto to IL_1C7 and skips the call of IsMessageContentTracking().


                if (this.StageCount != 0)
                    if (!messagingEngineSettings.get_DontRemoveXmlDeclarationHeaders())
                        goto IL_1C7;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj2 as string))
                        obj2 = Utils.GetDocType(markableForwardOnlyEventingReadStream);
                catch (Exception)
                    string text = obj2 as string;
                    if (this.IsMessageContentTracking(iBAMMessagingInterceptorInt, iBTMPipelineContext.BAMGuid, text) && text != null && this.PipelineContext.GetDocumentSpecByType(text) != null)
                        flag4 = true;
                catch (Exception)
                if (flag4)
                    baseMessageContext.Promote("RecoverableInterchangeProcessing", "", true);
                object obj3 = baseMessageContext.Read("ErrorType", "");
                if (((supportOnlyContextTracking && !flag4) || (handleNonXmlErrorMessages && obj3 != null && string.Compare((string)obj3, "FailedMessage", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)) && stream != null)
                    baseMessageContext.Promote("RecoverableInterchangeProcessing", "", true);
                    flag2 = true;


Stages in Passthrough pipeline:



0:013> !DumpObj /d 07b1a73c

Name:        Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.PassThruTransmit

MethodTable: 1a704e50

EEClass:     1a719e6c

Size:        32(0x20) bytes

File:        C:\windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines\\Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.dll


      MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name

1acfff14  400025d       14         System.Int32  1 instance        1 kind

736a560c  400025e       18         System.Int32  1 instance        2 pipelineAssemblyId

1a701240  400025f        4 ...M.PipelineContext  0 instance 07b1a82c pipelineContext

736a13bc  4000260        8 ...ections.ArrayList  0 instance 07b1a75c stages

736a60f0  4000261        c ...ections.Hashtable  0 instance 07b1a774 components

1a701aec  4000262       10 ...ncePipelineConfig  0 instance 07b1a7d8 PipelinePerInstanceConfig

0:013> !DumpObj /d 07b1a75c

Name:        System.Collections.ArrayList

MethodTable: 736a13bc

EEClass:     7330ac44

Size:        24(0x18) bytes

File:        C:\windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll


      MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name

73660cbc  4000c37        4      System.Object[]  0 instance 01af253c _items

736a560c  4000c38        c         System.Int32  1 instance        0 _size

736a560c  4000c39       10         System.Int32  1 instance        0 _version

736a41b8  4000c3a        8        System.Object  0 instance 00000000 _syncRoot

73660cbc  4000c3b      2fc      System.Object[]  0   shared   static emptyArray

    >> Domain:Value  005633f0:01af253c <<

Stages in my custom pipeline:



0:013> !DumpObj /d 0fdd8174

Name:        EmptyCustomPipeline.EmptyPipeline

MethodTable: 1b0f4e70

EEClass:     1b0eb1d8

Size:        32(0x20) bytes

File:        C:\windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\EmptyCustomPipeline\v4.0_1.0.0.0__d89f3063b443ebd1\EmptyCustomPipeline.dll


      MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name

1b29fa60  400025d       14         System.Int32  1 instance        1 kind

736a560c  400025e       18         System.Int32  1 instance     2067 pipelineAssemblyId

1b0f0ec0  400025f        4 ...M.PipelineContext  0 instance 0fddb770 pipelineContext

736a13bc  4000260        8 ...ections.ArrayList  0 instance 0fdd8194 stages

736a60f0  4000261        c ...ections.Hashtable  0 instance 0fdd81ac components

1b0f176c  4000262       10 ...ncePipelineConfig  0 instance 0fdd8210 PipelinePerInstanceConfig

0:013> !DumpObj /d 0fdd8194

Name:        System.Collections.ArrayList

MethodTable: 736a13bc

EEClass:     7330ac44

Size:        24(0x18) bytes

File:        C:\windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll


      MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name

73660cbc  4000c37        4      System.Object[]  0 instance 0fdd82cc _items

736a560c  4000c38        c         System.Int32  1 instance        1 _size

736a560c  4000c39       10         System.Int32  1 instance        1 _version

736a41b8  4000c3a        8        System.Object  0 instance 00000000 _syncRoot

73660cbc  4000c3b      2fc      System.Object[]  0   shared   static emptyArray

    >> Domain:Value  009233f0:01dd253c <<


I then went ahead to test by creating an *actual empty* pipeline without any component and the result of it is equal to the passthrough pipeline.


Currently a bug has been created and we are working on this issue. 


Best regards,

WenJun Zhang