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Ryan Plant's rants on the 31 flavors of architecture...

MIX Hangover and the Beauty of Choice

MIX Hangover... Wow. By show of hands, who was at MIX? Virtually or physically it doesn't matter....

Author: rplant Date: 05/04/2007

MIX it up!

So, if you haven't heard of MIX, check this out: It's not an acronym, it's a...

Author: rplant Date: 03/16/2007

How Rich Is YOUR Web App?

I have had to hold my tongue for a while on this one... The first glimpse was given at...

Author: rplant Date: 01/31/2007

Get Office 2007 and Groove FREE!

Ready for a 'New Day'? How about this... Ready for a free copy of Office 2007 Professional and...

Author: rplant Date: 01/13/2007

Strategic IT

Alright… By show of hands, how many of you work in IT organizations that are considered strategic...

Author: rplant Date: 12/28/2006

SaaS Acceleration: Go Virtual!

Software as a Service (aka Software + Services, or SaaS for short) is pretty much the hype du jour...

Author: rplant Date: 08/03/2006

A Web Architect ?!?!

We all know that architecture in an IT setting has many definitions and explanations which...

Author: rplant Date: 07/27/2006

Hyper-Competition and Differentiation

It is an inevitable side-effect of globalization: hyper-competition. Markets are no longer limited...

Author: rplant Date: 07/24/2006

Redefining What 'Service' Means to the Web

Usually when someone hears the words 'web' and 'service' used together, they tend to think of 'web...

Author: rplant Date: 07/21/2006

Adobe Releases Next-Gen RIA Platform

Beta News article and Dr. Dobbs article talk about Adobe's recent release of the Flex 2 development...

Author: rplant Date: 06/29/2006

Portability Anyone?

When describing the various systemic qualities of a system to-be developed, one of the...

Author: rplant Date: 06/28/2006

Controversy and Paradigm Shifts

Well I finally gave my TechEd presentation 'Bits to Bolts: Bridging the Gap between the Solutions...

Author: rplant Date: 06/16/2006

Interesting Analogs

While meeting with a customer I realized that there is a nice analogy going on that is on topic for...

Author: rplant Date: 05/11/2006

Bits to Bolts

I am giving a presentation at TechEd 2006 in Boston on something fairly obvious in our industry: the...

Author: rplant Date: 05/06/2006

Server Architecture and Standards

In my view, an element of Infrastructure Architecture (as a whole) is Server Architecture: the space...

Author: rplant Date: 05/04/2006

Why Ad infinitum?

In architecture, whether it is building architecture or IT-related architecture, context is...

Author: rplant Date: 04/26/2006