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BlogWave version 0.3 (Alpha 3) - Released!

This release is full of cool new features. Drag-and-drop enables creating complex aggregate feeds in literally seconds. Context Menus. NNTP (newsgroup) support. A pluggable architecture and a C# code sample showing how to connect BlogWave to additional data sources . Whats not to like ?!?

Get it HERE (, 531K)

BlogWave - Change Log

Version 0.3 (Alpha 3) - 8/19/2004

  • Added support for syndicating NNTP newsgroups.  (Thanks Adam!)
  • Switched to an FTP library which supports unicode (Thanks Mark!)
  • When aggregating feeds, the aggregate feed title is set to BlogWave's 'Feed Title' , and the Source property in each item is set to the title of the originating feed. This is consistent with the aggregated views of .Text sites such as
  • Context Menus are now accessible by right-clicking a feed.  The menus mirror the options available in the task pane.
  • Added Drag-and-Drop support:
    •  Dragging a URL onto the feed pane will automatically create a new feed.
    •  Dragging a URL onto an existing feed in the feed pane will add a new source to the feed. (great for quickly creating aggregate feeds!)
    •  Both "https://" (for RSS sources) and "" (for NNTP sources) work with the drag and drop.
  • Source and Destination adapters are dynamically detected and loaded from the 'Adapters' subdir. Deploying additional adapters is as simple as copying the DLLs into that directory.
  • Exposed the .NET programming interface necessary to implement a source or destination adapter. So now anyone can write adapters for BlogWave :)   
  • Added a sample project with an example in C# of an adapter implementation.
  • The Proxy Server support added in Alpha 2 still has issues with NTLM authentication.