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JAOO 2008 Presentation

image In a previous post I listed all the Microsoft folks presenting at JAOO 2008. Well that event has successfully come and gone this week and I'm pleased to share my presentation with the community.

My talk went pretty well and I achieved my objective to explain the relevance of Distributed Embedded Systems to traditional distributed systems developers and architects. I briefly discussed the Device Profile for Web Services and CCR/DSS as good candidates for DES communications infrastructure, choosing to describe these technologies mainly because they would be relevant to my audience in non-DES scenarios too.

The back end of my talk hints at Fabriq4Dss - an implementation of Fabriq (remember that?) on CCR/DSS. I skipped the demos of Fabriq4Dss because I only had 45 minutes for the session, but rest-assured you'll be hearing more about this here soon.

imageOther highlights of the conference were meeting, Gregor Hohpe and Jeff Sutherland. Gregor attended my session after which I demoed another recent CCR/DSS/VPL project of mine ("PIE") related to his famous book on Enterprise Integration Patterns. We're plotting something together which I hope can be pulled off.

I sat next to Jeff Sutherland at the speaker's dinner. He is of course the co-creator of Scrum and as we chatted he intrigued me with a number of non-S/W development uses of the process. Having myself, just prior to JAOO, attended at a team offsite exploring elements of virtual teaming and organizational design with Dr Homa Bahrami, I thought this conversation with Jeff was sweet serendipity - which in turn reminded me of the late Roger Needham's words, "Serendipity is looking for a needle in a haystack and finding the farmer's daughter." How-so-very-true!

JAOO was a great conference and I'd like to extend my thanks to Beat Schwegler, Microsoft Denmark and the JAOO organizing committee for having me.

P.S. We'll be talking a lot more about these topics at Tech-Ed EMEA Developers 2008, 10-14 November (select Embedded Systems, Architecture tracks).
