How to query network adapter for IPv6 protocol?
Assuming you need it in script, PowerShell:
# computername
$MachineName = 'localhost'
# open HKLM reg on $MachineName
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $MachineName)
# open subKey SYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesTCPIP6Linkage
$regKey = $reg.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\TCPIP6\Linkage")
# get the values from the name 'Bind'
# e.g. Device{A2B312D5-A133-4779-B21B-5B3ED82B6DCF}
$bind = $regKey.GetValue("bind")
# get adapters that are IP enabled : e.g. IPv4 or IPv6 is active
$adapters = gwmi -computer $MachineName Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration|?{$_.IPEnabled}
# for each adapter check if his GUID is in the Bind values and display info regarding IPv6 binding
foreach ( $adap in $adapters)
# get GUID of the adapter
$guid = $adap.SettingID
# get the name of the adapter to be used to display info
$name = (gwmi -computer $MachineName Win32_NetworkAdapter|?{$_.guid -eq $guid}).NetConnectionID
# buid the deviceGUID string from the GUID of the adapter
$device_guid = 'Device'+$guid
# check if the bind key contains the adapter guid
if($bind -contains $device_guid)
{write-host "Computer $MachineName -> IPv6 OK in adapter: $name" }
else {write-host "Computer $MachineName -> IPv6 not bind on adapter: $name" }
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