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"Your Browser has been upgraded" Tab being displayed after installing MS14-035


This blog post is about the notification, which users receive one time after the installation of the last cumulative IE-Update in June MS14-035.

For IE10 on Windows 7, the following webpage is displayed:


For IE9 on Windows 7 or on Windows Vista, the following webpage is displayed as a 2nd tab:

Both pages look contain the title "Your browser has been upgraded" , Check out Internet Explorer 10 (or 9) and then at the bottom the following text:


A change to note about your upgrade

Search suggestions in the address bar are turned on unless you previously turned them off. When you begin typing in the address bar, data may be sent to your search provider. For more info, including how to change previously configured settings, see the Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement.

The change of the default-setting itself is also documented in the following KB-article:


The reason why I wanted to blog about this is the expectation, that in corporate environments welcome-messages etc. are never been displayed to the user. Therefore the Admin may have configured the following policy, which does not apply to that change:


Policy name: Prevent running First Run wizard

Supported on: At least Internet Explorer 7.0

Category path: Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Internet Explorer\

Registry key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

Registry value: DisableFirstRunCustomize

Policy URL:


This means, that in case an Administrator wants to suppress the appearance of this Welcome-tab, he should deploy the following registry-key, which is also created when the page had been opened:


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]



Alternate solution is to use Group Policy Preference Registry to push the registry to your clients.

Create a GPP registry item under User configuration \ Preferences \ Registry Items

Configured your GPP Registry with the following attributes:

Action: Replace
Key Path: Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
Value name: PrivacyPolicyShown
Value type: dword
Value data: 1


Apply and Okay and you are done. Now, have to validate your Settings are pushed to your clients.

This blog has been provided to you by , Heiko Mayer