Partager via

TreeListView: Show Hierarchy Data with Details in Columns

This is the first session of this topic. I’ll introduce the minimum steps needed to build a TreeListView. The TreeListView is able to present hierarchy data with details in columns. See the following diagram:

The main Avalon elements we are going to cover in this session are TreeView, TreeViewItem, GridViewColumnCollection, GridViewRowPresenter, GridViewHeaderRowPresenter and Binding of course.


Step 1. Sub-class TreeView and TreeViewItem

The key in this step is to override proper methods to make sure correct container is generated.

public class TreeListView : TreeView


protected override DependencyObject GetContainerForItemOverride(object item)


return new TreeListViewItem();


protected override bool IsItemItsOwnContainerOverride(object item)


return item is TreeListViewItem;


public GridViewColumnCollection Columns
if (_columns == null)
_columns = new GridViewColumnCollection();

return _columns;

private GridViewColumnCollection _columns;


public class TreeListViewItem : TreeViewItem


// copy the above two overrides here, they are same.


Step 2. Add a Level property to TreeListViewItem

Make the item be aware of the level it belongs to.

public class TreeListViewItem : TreeViewItem


    public int Level {

        get {

            if (_level == -1) {

                TreeListViewItem parent = ItemsControl.ItemsControlFromItemContainer(this) as TreeListViewItem;

                _level = (parent != null) ? parent.Level + 1 : 0;


            return _level;




Step 3. Write a data template for the 1st column

The keys in this step are:

  1. Bind Margin to item’s Level to mimic the indent;
  2. Write a converter to convert Level to proper indent space;
  3. Use ‘ancestor’ binding to find the TreeListViewItem;
  4. When there is no child in the item, trigger the expander’s (+ sign) visibility to Hidden but not Collapsed, so that the space is kept and all the item texts align vertically.

<DataTemplate x:Key="CellTemplate_Name">


    <ToggleButton x:Name="Expander" Style="…" ClickMode="Press"

                  Margin="{Binding Level,Converter={StaticResource LevelToIndentConverter},RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type l:TreeListViewItem}}}"

                  IsChecked="{Binding Path=IsExpanded,RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type l:TreeListViewItem}}}"


    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/>



    <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=HasItems,RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type l:TreeListViewItem}}}"


      <Setter TargetName="Expander"






public class LevelToIndentConverter : IValueConverter


    public object Convert(object o, Type type, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)


        return new Thickness((int)o * c_IndentSize, 0, 0, 0);


    public object ConvertBack(…) {…}




Step 4. Write control template for TreeListViewItem

The keys in this step are:

  1. Instead of using ContentPresenter, we use GridViewRowPresenter to present the content in multiple columns
  2. Presenter finds content from item’s Header property
  3. Bind GridViewRowPresenter.Colums property to TreeListView.Columns property

<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type l:TreeListViewItem}">


    <Border …>

      <GridViewRowPresenter x:Name="PART_Header"

                            Content="{TemplateBinding Header}"

          Columns="{Binding Path=Columns,RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type l:TreeListView}}}"/>


    <ItemsPresenter x:Name="ItemsHost"/>





Step 5. Put it all together

The key in this step is: When setup the columns you want to show, the cell template for the 1st column is the one we just wrote that can do smart indent.

<Window …>


    <Style x:Key="ExpandCollapseToggleStyle">


   <l:LevelToIndentConverter x:Key="LevelToIndentConverter"/>

<DataTemplate x:Key="CellTemplate_Name">

    <Style TargetType="{x:Type l:TreeListViewItem}">


    <Style TargetType="{x:Type l:TreeListView}">





<GridViewColumn Header="Name" CellTemplate="{StaticResource CellTemplate_Name}"/>

<GridViewColumn Header="IsAbstract" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding IsAbstract}"/>

<GridViewColumn Header="Namespace" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Namespace}"/>




        <x:Type TypeName="DependencyObject"/>




          <x:Type TypeName="Visual"/>








We’re done!

I’ll introduce how to encapsulate the implementation details into a control in near future.