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Operation Logs

Operation Logs is a Windows Azure Management portal feature which allows you to view historical logs of all Create/Update/Delete (CUD) operations performed on your Azure services. We recently enabled this very helpful feature for Azure Mobile Services which allow you to go back in time up to as much as 90 days to view what and when an operation was performed along with its status if it succeeded or failed.

You can access Operation Logs via Management Portal -> Management Services -> Operation Logs

You can filter the logs based on various parameters like subscription, date range, service type (e.g. Mobile Services, Web Sites), service name or status (of the operation e.g. Succeeded, Failed)

Here is a listing of sample operation logs Mobile Services from my test subscription. We comprehensively cover all the Mobile Services CUD operations performed on Mobile service, Tables, Custom API, Scheduled Job.
Note that for each operation you see the Timestamp when the operation was executed, status of the operation if it succeeded or failed, service name (the name of your Azure Mobile service appended by the resource name e.g table name or custom API name or scheduler script name), service type (Mobile Services in this case) and Caller (we add this information when we are able to detect if the request came from the portal or from the client e.g. Azure CLI)


Note that for each operation we add some additional information which can be found by clicking the Details button for the operation. For example: following is a log entry for an operation called Create Table which was successfully executed from the portal for an application called piyushjoStore and the table name created was DeliveryOrder.

 If you click the Details button then an Operation Details popup will display more details e.g. the table permissions with which this table was configured at the time of its creation:

If you see a failed request then it also become easy for the Microsoft support personnel to track down the request and possible reason for it based on the ActivityId displayed here.
Thanks and hopefully you'll find this nice little feature useful!!