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nano-scale chemicals - boon or bane?

I was reading this article about the uses of iron nano-particles.  You know, nano-scale objects...

Author: bwill Date: 09/08/2003

"I'm With Busey" claims another victim

I recently read another glowing review of “I’m With Busey” on Sean...

Author: bwill Date: 09/08/2003

Raymond's Bits of Eclectic Windows Trivia, Legerdemain, and Historical Oddities

I’ve really been enjoying RaymondC’s blog posts on the history of Windows and the checkered past of...

Author: bwill Date: 09/08/2003

Switching from Windows to Linux

I’ve found this site where Ton Zijlstra is documenting his conversion from Windows to Linux. ...

Author: bwill Date: 09/08/2003

The Portrait of the Mastermind (INTJ)

Here is an interesting personality assessment test; the Myers-Briggs personality assessment, very...

Author: bwill Date: 09/08/2003

The coolest jacket in the whole world

I forgot to post the item that prompted my last post on containers – it is this jacket I...

Author: bwill Date: 09/08/2003

I work on "Indigo"

I noticed at this link that folks are starting to hear (and speculate) about Indigo.  That’s...

Author: bwill Date: 09/08/2003

All roads lead to Fry's

A Fry’s electronics store opened recently near here – I’ve seen a number of folks...

Author: bwill Date: 09/08/2003

Rewriting Microsoft web services

Mark Pilgrim converts the new MS.COM web service into a REST format; it is certainly more...

Author: bwill Date: 09/08/2003

Amazing! Free! Cool!

One of the things I remember most fondly from high school was the seemingly endless free time I had...

Author: bwill Date: 09/05/2003

internet flaky this morning...

 My internet is being very flaky this morning – half the web sites I try don’t...

Author: bwill Date: 09/05/2003

and now for a little silliness...

Gina and I like to buy toys – toys for little people, toys for big people; it is shopping...

Author: bwill Date: 09/05/2003

Leggo my Lego!

I recently had a very pleasant vacation (modulo the whole mother-having-cancer issue), and one of...

Author: bwill Date: 09/05/2003

The Mysterious Moving Maze!

Ok, this is bizarre.  It is a maze whose walls move around as you walk through it!  It...

Author: bwill Date: 09/05/2003

Reality TV? Please, not while I'm eating!

 Seriously, this sounds pretty cool – a news reporter discusses the day’s news with...

Author: bwill Date: 09/05/2003

I am a HiFi philistine

I will be the first to admit that I have one of the least discriminating musical ears in...

Author: bwill Date: 09/03/2003

Los Alamos whistle-blower gets $$$

I’m actually really happy to read about this.  I’d read an earlier article that...

Author: bwill Date: 09/03/2003

We've built a five-year-old! Now, about the potty-training...

I read an article on Gizmodo recently, how some Japanese researchers want their government to fund a...

Author: bwill Date: 09/03/2003

ASML - a modeling tool for testing

 John Tobler talks a bit about Abstract State Machine Language (ASML) on his blog.  This...

Author: bwill Date: 09/02/2003

fun with consumer electronics (and the perils of the super-remote)

So, I’m on vacation here at my in-laws, and I’m blogging of course.  It seems to be...

Author: bwill Date: 08/25/2003

on vacation...

Starting today, I am on vacation, going to that fabulous vacation destination – West...

Author: bwill Date: 08/22/2003

Strange new virus rumored

 Seen recently at "You have just received...

Author: bwill Date: 08/20/2003

The Learning Lifestyle

I just read Eric Sink’s ‘Career Calculus’ post that is making rounds on the blogs...

Author: bwill Date: 08/20/2003

Its a girl!

 Gina and I went to Evergreen Hospital today for our week 20 ultrasound – you know, the...

Author: bwill Date: 08/20/2003

Tech blogs, hosting, and personal expression

I was reading this link, about a guy who has an ASP.NET blog (i.e., hosted at...

Author: bwill Date: 08/20/2003

stupid credit card tricks

In the link below, John Hargrave goes to great lengths in an attempt to get his credit card receipt...

Author: bwill Date: 08/18/2003

Let people know about a security vulnerability - spend 16 months in jail

 Now here is an interesting article; a man sends mail alerting some customers of a particular...

Author: bwill Date: 08/18/2003

3D Printers (revisited)

I few days ago, I posted a short note about 3D printers.  Here is another article that explains...

Author: bwill Date: 08/15/2003

Gizmodo turns one year old - check them out!

 One product blog that consistently has new and interesting stuff is Gizmodo.  Well, they...

Author: bwill Date: 08/15/2003

Howard Dean blog - revisited

The shine on the Howard Dean blog is wearing off for me.  Most of the posts aren’t by...

Author: bwill Date: 08/15/2003

Vigilante hackers

 I read the following interesting snippet recently with some thoughts about...

Author: bwill Date: 08/15/2003

What is 6% of $250,000?

 I read this blog entry from Chris Sells recently, describing his thoughts about real estate...

Author: bwill Date: 08/15/2003

My wife rules!

I just got a new laptop a couple days ago, and of course I had to wipe off the OS currently on it so...

Author: bwill Date: 08/15/2003

480Mb/s (wireless) - a dream or a promise?

 I really hope that UWB moves quickly from vaporware to reality, as described in this...

Author: bwill Date: 08/15/2003

"Alex, I'll take 'Foreign Relations' for $200, please..."

 In the “truth is stranger than fiction” department, this article claims that five...

Author: bwill Date: 08/15/2003

Baby born with cell phone in hand!

This seems strange, but I suppose it is inevitable in our ever-more interconnected,...

Author: bwill Date: 08/15/2003

Adam Smith and the Navy

Looks like the U.S. Navy is thinking about taking a more “market-based” approach to...

Author: bwill Date: 08/15/2003

EverQuest: It's not just an adventure - it's a job

Here is a guy who ‘professionally’ makes real money off of virtual artifacts –...

Author: bwill Date: 08/14/2003

my bank account as an RSS feed?

You know, logically, the following idea has so many flaws – security, privacy, is it even...

Author: bwill Date: 08/14/2003

home ownership, sprinkler systems, and money

Here is an interesting story about home ownership; and perhaps, about responsibility, or...

Author: bwill Date: 08/14/2003

an interesting life

Now this guy looks like he’s had an interesting life… 

Author: bwill Date: 08/13/2003

3D printers

I really, really want one of these. 

Author: bwill Date: 08/13/2003

evolutionary programming

Worried about jobs going overseas?  Maybe Silicon Valley should be worried about the Silicon...

Author: bwill Date: 08/13/2003

Howard Dean blog

I have to admit to lurking around the Howard Dean presidential candidate blog.  Its hard to...

Author: bwill Date: 08/13/2003

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