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"The Right Society" censorship?

At home I am pretty steeped in a Democratic culture; my wife is a staunch Democrat, as are her parents and mine.  I consider myself an independent, so to balance myself out I follow a couple of Republican blogs.

Recently I ran across a post complaining about an objectionable video being show at a local high school – interesting to me because (a) I’m a new father, and (b) it’s a local school.  I posted a response to the post, thinking to start an interesting discussion.  Oddly, when I checked back a couple days later, my response was gone!  My comments were quite unobjectionable; I basically said that I agreed with the three points listed at the end of the article.  So I posted another response, noting that my previous comment had disappeared, and asking if they were having any technical problems.  That comment has now also disappeared.

Well, I don’t know for sure what’s going on here, but it seems reasonably likely that my comments are simply not welcome on that site.  I believe I will unsubscribe.