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ShareALot vs MSN Photos

ShareALot is a new photo sharing service that's been getting some column inches today due mostly to the launch of their product at DEMO (and don't get me started about how upset I am that I'm not there in person...). ShareALot is promoted as as application which "takes the pain out of sharing digital photos with friends and family".

So I went to check it out, because I like new stuff and I just bought a digital camera and I am still in the "take a million photos a day" phase. I know, it'll probably pass. Like my current need to start every sentence with "I read on a blog the other day" or "As I wrote on my blog recently" or "When I was in New York a couple of weeks ago"...

Anyway, I went to download ShareALot and it is an 18 Mb download. I know, I'm on broadband, that shouldn't be an issue. But I recently shelled out $60 for a "Premium" membership with MSN Groups which allows me to upload 30Mb of photos. Friends and family who subscribe to my photo site get an email with a URL when new photos are uploaded. It seems to me this is pretty painless. At least ShareALot, at this stage, is a free service (although they reserve the right to charge for it down the track).

If anyone else has tried out ShareALot, I'd love to hear your reviews. Maybe I am missing something?


Soure: Wired News