RTFx Powertoy Linker Error, and a solution
Posted by Dave Edson
If you get this error when building a plugin for the Microsoft Smart Devices Remote Tools Framework (RTFx):
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static long __cdecl CDeviceRemoteTool::StartCommandHandler(wchar_t *,enum CDeviceRemoteTool::COMMANDHANDLER_TYPE,long (__cdecl*)(unsigned long,class CCommandPacket const *,class CCommandPacket *))" (__imp_?StartCommandHandler@CDeviceRemoteTool@@SAJPA_WW4COMMANDHANDLER_TYPE@1@P6AJKPBVCCommandPacket@@PAV3@@Z@Z) referenced in function WinMain DeviceSide.obj
Then it means that a compiler switch needs to be changed. For the device-side native projects, open the properties for the device side project. Then, go to the C/C++ node, and choose "Language". Change the "Treat wchar_t as a built-in Type" to "No (/Zc:wchar_t-)".
Hope this helps,
Dave Edson
RTFx Wrangler
- Anonymous
July 22, 2006
What happened to other blogs in this site. A lot of them have closed for "comment". I have a question regarding file system. If you could find someone give us a clue, I definitely will appreciate it
The question is: Is the following a Microsoft bug on Windows CE?
You can successfully call CreateFile with
The filename does not follow FAT specification and MSDN documentations, but it works fine. - Anonymous
July 22, 2006
Sorry....Actually I mean
CreateFile(L"temp\eicar.txt") - Anonymous
July 22, 2006
oop again :)
Appology for spam... - Anonymous
July 24, 2006
hi, experts.
I have a question about SetEvent().
Will SetEvent() triger the system scheduler regardless whether there is a system_tick event or not?
I mean will SetEvent() wake up WaitforSingleObject immediately? Or it just makes that event singled and goes on until it runs out its time-slice and then the scheduler wake up WaitforSingleObject? - Anonymous
July 25, 2006
Hi Simon, yes, SetEvent can lead to an immediate reschedule without waiting for a system tick.