SPO Tidbit - Flow and PowerApps articles
Hello All,
While doing some research I ended up flipping thru a lot of articles and other resources and put together this list that you might find useful yourself
- MS Flow Documentation - /en-us/flow/
- MS Flow guided learning - /en-us/flow/guided-learning/
- MS Cloud Flow playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8nfc9haGeb55I9wL9QnWyHp3ctU2_ThF
- Administer PowerApps overview - /en-us/powerapps/administrator/index
- PowerApps guided learning - /en-us/powerapps/guided-learning/
- PowerApps webinar listing - /en-us/powerapps/maker/canvas-apps/webinars-listing
- Administer environments in PowerApps - /en-us/powerapps/administrator/environments-administration
- Add and configure a control in PowerApps - /en-us/powerapps/maker/canvas-apps/add-configure-controls