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Where are the Notes Apps?

Where do the majority of apps fall that you see in your quadrant framework?  The question nearly every Enterprise customer asks me during my speaking engagements & executive briefings.

They say: "The tools look good, the framework is good, the process is good, now… tell us the typical breakdown of applications for the majority of your customers".

I answer the question the same each time as we have some good statistically relevant data on this topic from our worldwide focus groups, meetings with hundreds of customers, analysts, partners & by analyzing a TON of apps.

In the end, with high confidence we are able to say:

  1. On average ~60% of all Notes applications are not used or inactive
  2. On % of applications in each quadrant, we could derive no pattern or conclusive evidence. 

 As in focus groups, analyst briefings, partner mtgs & customers engagements we heard & saw the following:

  1. “we have 100% Quadrant 1 apps”
  2. “we have 100% Quadrant 4 apps”
  3. “we have a 60\0\30\10 split”
  4. etc.

A good example of this comes from an IBM slide on their environment shown @LotusSphere (Title: ID119, IBM Lotus Notes and Domino @ IBM).  It states “Out of 100,000 Notes\Dom Applications…” ~65k are custom Notes apps [Quad 3/4]; ~30k ‘TeamRooms’ [Q2]; ~10k other ‘standard’ templates [likely a Q1 or Q2]”.  That means IBM’s environment breaks down into 10% Quad 1, 30% Quad 2, and 65% Quads 3 & 4.

In the end, you likely will have a ton of Notes apps that are just not accessed or used anymore & a unique percentage of apps in each quadrant.  Using the Application Analyzer will begin the process of helping you to understand your unique environment and plan for your company’s future.
