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Conor vs. SQL

Conor Cunningham's blog on SQL Server, data-driven applications, and pretty much whatever other random stuff he decides to post.

Conor speaking at SQL Saturday Dublin on Sept. 20, 2014

I will be travelling to Ireland to speak at the SQL Saturday on Sept. 20th. I plan to give a talk on...

Date: 07/06/2014

Conor vs. PASS 2013

I’ll be speaking at PASS this year.  In fact, some folks at MS interviewed me about it and...

Date: 09/12/2013

Conor vs. Premium Edition in Windows Azure SQL Database (aka SQL Azure)

FYI, I helped write a white paper that got released this week.  It relates to a new edition of...

Date: 07/26/2013

Conor vs. SQL Azure Optimizer Hotfix Traceflag 4199

Another question:  Does Windows Azure SQL Database (aka SQL Azure) run with or without the...

Date: 05/25/2013

Conor vs. SQL Azure Parallel Query

(The official name is Windows Azure SQL Database, but since SQL Database is hard to search for, I...

Date: 05/24/2013

Conor vs. SQLBits Spring 2013 Nottingham

(finally done with travel and work stuff long enough to post up my slide deck :)) I could safely say...

Date: 05/24/2013

Conor vs. SQL Injection

While I was at SQL Intersection yesterday, I was asked if Microsoft has any best practice guidance...

Date: 04/11/2013

Conor vs. Spring 2013 Conference Schedule

Hello all, I will be speaking at the following public conferences this Spring: 1. SQLIntersection...

Date: 02/10/2013

Conor vs. Azure Architecture

  FYI – we just posted a white paper that covers some of the “how to think about Windows Azure...

Date: 01/15/2013

New SQL Azure Features

FYI, we announced new features on SQL Azure today, including SQL Azure as a distributed query target...

Date: 09/19/2012

Conor vs. SQLRally Nordic 2012

Hi all – FYI I will be speaking at SQL Rally in Copenhagen in early October along with a few of my...

Date: 08/23/2012

Conor vs. SQLBits X Slide Decks

Thanks for all who attended SQLBits last weekend and for those of you who attended my talks. I had...

Date: 04/03/2012

Conor vs. Traceflags

I got a question from a reader asking me to explain various cases for the use of one of our...

Date: 02/22/2012

Conor vs. SQL Azure Pricing

New Pricing for SQL Azure is out today (and it is cheaper on storage):...

Date: 02/14/2012

Conor vs. window functions, sequence/ranking functions order-of-operations

We had a customer issue today that ended up being by-design but was confusing enough that I offered...

Date: 02/02/2012

Conor vs. SqlBits Spring 2012

For those interested, I will be speaking at the SqlBits conference in London, UK at the end of...

Date: 01/30/2012

Conor vs. SQL Azure Resource Usage

For those of you watching SQL Azure, you probably have noticed that it releases more frequently than...

Date: 01/16/2012

Conor vs. ColumnStore Index Stats

  I haven’t posted much on the new SQL Server 2012 features yet, but I’m going to start doing...

Date: 01/09/2012

Conor vs. Distributed Query Provider Hints

(I promised I’d write more ) Today I will talk a bit about Distributed Query (DQ), a feature that...

Date: 01/09/2012

Conor vs. SQL Azure/SQL Server 2012

I’m not one for New Year’s Resolutions, but I am going to try to blog a bit more.  It’s hard to...

Date: 01/04/2012

Conor vs. Extended Events

I have been playing with the XEvent feature in SQL 2012 (RC0) and there are a few gotchas that I...

Date: 12/16/2011

Conor vs. Synergija Slide Decks

I had a great time visiting Belgrade last week.  I’d like to thank everyone who attended one of...

Date: 10/24/2011

Conor vs. Sinergija 2011

As a professional announcement, I will not be speaking at PASS this year (nor will I be at the...

Date: 10/07/2011

Conor vs. Max Server Memory

  Question (paraphrased):  “Conor, does changing the max server memory settings always...

Date: 09/30/2011

Conor vs. SQL Saturday Austin

I'll be talking about one of the new things our team has been develping this Saturday at the SQL...

Date: 09/27/2011

Conor vs. Parallel Execution Plan Contexts/Runtime Instances

I’ve received a question about parallel execution plans from a customer....

Date: 06/28/2011

Conor vs. SQLBits 2011 Brighton

Here is the slide deck from my presentation at SQLBits Friday in Brighton file   I had a great...

Date: 04/11/2011

Conor vs. SQLBits (United Kingdom)

I will be in Brighton, England this upcoming Friday where I will be speaking at the SQLBits...

Date: 04/03/2011

Conor vs. Map-Reduce vs. Databases

I found this paper interesting, so you might too.  It covers some of the differences between...

Date: 02/11/2011

Conor vs. Views/Tables

I received an email from a reader this weekend that has a lot of different questions, but one of the...

Date: 01/31/2011

Conor vs. How I got into computers…

I thought I’d do a small post about some of the reasons I got into computers since I’ve randomly had...

Date: 01/01/2011

Conor vs. more SARGable predicates

I got another question in the mail this week from another reader:   Hi Conor Thanks for an...

Date: 12/18/2010

Conor vs. Join Search Space

I received a question this week from a reader about how SQL Server determines the join order if...

Date: 12/18/2010

Conor vs. Row Growth in Read Committed Snapshot Isolation

At PASS last week, I was asked about fragmentation caused by RCSI when a row is first converted to...

Date: 11/16/2010

Conor vs. PASS (Slide Decks)

I had a great time at PASS last week and got to talk to a lot of wonderful customers- thank you! As...

Date: 11/15/2010

Conor vs. PASS

It’s one of the most exciting weeks of the year to be a SQL Server junkie – PASS is this week in...

Date: 11/08/2010

Conor vs. PASS (November in Seattle)

A note to let you know that I will be at PASS this year and plan to give two talks (one in...

Date: 09/28/2010

Conor vs. Optional Parameters Redux – LIKE %

A question from a reader (thank you, Price, for sending it in).  This is a follow up to my...

Date: 09/28/2010

Conor vs. Updates – Talk (for those of you in Austin)

I am giving a talk tomorrow (Tuesday) night at the Austin PASS group on how Update Queries are...

Date: 08/16/2010

Conor vs. Misbehaving Parameterized Queries + OPTIMIZE FOR hints

In my previous post, I debugged a customer problem for you, including the various guesses I had to...

Date: 08/11/2010

Conor vs. Finding a Misbehaving Query

(well, one case of it – the topic is too large for a blog post, so I will focus) I will paraphrase a...

Date: 08/02/2010

Conor vs. UDFs in Joins

In my previous post, I reviewed the basic logic behind why the Optimizer chooses one join algorithm...

Date: 07/01/2010

Conor vs. Join Algorithms

I got a question from a customer today related to join algorithms.  This is a good, general...

Date: 07/01/2010

Conor vs. Anti-Semi-Join Reordering

I was asked to comment on a post about the order of WHERE NOT EXISTS (<subquery>) in a query...

Date: 05/14/2010

Conor vs. Index Fragmentation in Plan Selection

(more SQL Bits questions) Does the SQL Server Query Optimizer consider index fragmentation in plan...

Date: 04/23/2010

Conor vs. Left Outer Join Reordering

A question from two of the MVPs: Are these two queries conceptually the same? select,,...

Date: 04/23/2010

Conor vs. Index SARGability with complex scalar expressions

In my prior post, I introduced the concept of runtime constants.  Now let’s take this and apply...

Date: 04/23/2010

Conor vs. Runtime Constant Functions

(more questions resulting from SQL Bits – some of these answers will be a bit more terse than my...

Date: 04/23/2010

Conor vs. the Search Framework in SQL Server’s Optimizer

I got a few requests for additional topics where one can read about the SQL Server query optimizer’s...

Date: 04/22/2010

Conor vs. Optional Parameters

One question I received at SQL Bits had to do with a reasonable programming practice that has an...

Date: 04/22/2010
