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Hatteras won't Share? NO FAIR!

This has come up on my blog before, but since it came up in the forums again, I thought I’d point people at the subject again and solicit more feedback.


Here’s the forum poster’s question:

In VSTS, is there an equivalent to Share available?  We have applications which are developed across multiple platforms (web, desktop, mobile) which many of the class files are just shared accross the different project types to allow code reuse.


We will have a seperate project for Full Framework and Compact Framework.  ClassA exists in both projects.  If either project makes changes, the other should see those changes.  In Visual Sourcesafe 6 we handled this by sharing ClassA.  I am still struggling to see how this can work in Team Systems.

The first sentence of my answer is: “There's no support for the VSS 'Share' feature in VSTS Source Control.” The details are in the forum post, of course.


What do you folks think about this decision? How does lack of the Share feature affect you?

  1. I can’t live without Share!
  2. I can make some changes to my code structure, and live without Share.
  3. I don’t need the Share feature; my projects don’t share code in a fashion that requires branching or sharing.
  4. I use branching already, so I don’t need share
  5. I don’t use Share because my developers would be constantly stepping on each other’s toes with shared changes
  6. Two or more of the above
  7. None of the above

Finally, to shamelessly borrow from Wil Wheaton, I’ll going to start signing posts (instead of title them) with a random line from a song that’s on my mind. Kudos (but no cash, fabulous prizes, or world renown) for spotting the song/artist without Google's help; they won't be very obscure for the most part anyway.


Today is the greatest day I’ve ever known.
