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The Consequences of Performance Optimizations

I wanted to write a post today about a very interesting bug we just came across related to Refactoring.  As i just blogged
about verification, i thought that this would be a good followup. 
First, a bit of background.  Referencing the previous post, we can
see the following Q/A about refactoring:

Why is it important? Well, if we look at Martin Fowler's Refactoring Site, we'll find the following information:

Q: What is Refactoring?

A: Refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing
body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its
external behavior.

Now, let's dissamble that "answer".  What does "without chaning
its external behavior" mean?  Well, to me, it means that the
semantics of the code (as defined by the language) have not been
changed.  Why do i limit myself to just "as defined by the
language"?  Because, frankly, any other definition would be too
hard to implement :)  For example, if you perform an "extract
method" of some code that sits in a tight loop, and that the jit
doesn't inline, then you'll have changed the external behavior with
respect to its performance.  However, there's no good way to
detect this, and most people don't care.  Similarly, if your code
makes decisions based on runtime type information (i.e. it uses
reflection), then it's possible to change it's external behavior
because suddenly this alteration of internal structure becomes
visible.  However, customers have spoken and have stated that
they're fine with these caveats and so we accept them. 

Now, here's where it gets a bit interesting.  Let's look at my
original definition: "it means that the semantics of the code (as
defined by the language) have not been changed."  Why is this
interesting?  Well, consider the case of code with errors in
it.  The language defines such code to be semantically
meaningless.  So, at that point, almost any change can be made and
still be called a refactoring since the semantics won't change (i.e.
meaningless code stays meaningless).  In fact, the only change a
refactoring could not do would be to take this broken code and make it
non-broken (since that would change it's semantics from meaningless to
meaningfull).  Early on in VS2005 we considered making it so that
you could only run refactorings if your code was compilable.  We
felt that this went with the spirit of refactoring, and also, it made
the refactoring job orders of magnitude easier since trying to make
sense out of broken code is extraordinarily difficult (my full time job
in fact!).  However, based on a huge amount of customer feedback,
we felt that that was a bad idea.  Customers still wanted to be
able to do things like extract a method even if their code was
broken.  And they were willing to deal with the fact that the
result might not be perfect if the code wasn't in a good shape. 
However, they just wanted to be made aware that this might be the case,
and so we decided to pop up a warning every time you did a refactoring
of unbuildable code.  Specifically:


Seems pretty sane right?  We give you the power of a lot of code
manipulation tools at your fingertips, but we warn you that we might
not always be able to do everything correctly.  And because we
have a preview mechanism you can go in and see what we're going to do
to decide if it meets your needs.

So what's the problem?  Well, based on quite a bit of customer
feedback (as well as a nasty bug that i opened myself), we decided to
invest a lot of time on improving the performance of
refactorings.  We felt that they were far too slow, and that that
would limit their usefulness.  At this point i feel that they're
still slower than we'd like, however fast enough to be used as part of
the regular development cycle.  For example, of my fairly meaty
project that i work on, they take on the order of 2-3 seconds. 
I'd like them to be instantaneous, but it's far better than the 2-3
*minutes* that it used to take!  (Note: it's a known problem that
the more projects you have, the more degradation you will get, we'll
work on that more in the future).  The performance optimizations
implemented were several fold.  First off, we realized that we
were just duplicating a whole lot of work, and that it was trivial to
just make sure we were only doing the work once instead.  However,
we also added what we thought were some pretty snazzy heuristics to
improve performance.  For example, if you're renaming a variable,
then we will not compile any methods in your source code that don't
contain the identifier you're renaming in them.  (The C# compiler
does two passes, the type system outside of methods, and the
compilations of individual methods one by one).  This latter
optimization was a huge savings in performance since it meant that, for
the most part, 99% of the methods in your code did not need to be
compiled in order to do a rename. 

But, in our haste to make fast, we missed a critical issue.  If we
don't compile those methods, then we won't know if there are errors in
them.  And if we don't know if there are errors in them, then we
won't give you that dialog.  And now the user can get enormously
confused.  Why do i get this dialog in some cases and not in
others?  Technically the dialog now means "The source in your
project related the refactoring you're performing does not currently
build".  However, i think that that's enormously subtle, and might
lead users to be nervous about the validity of our analysis and
verification steps.  So much so that i'm wondering if we should
undo this performance optimization.

How do you feel about this?