One more note on color: HilightColor
I meant to mention in my previous post today on color that there are a few gauges that utilize the "HilightColor" (yes, it should be spelled "HighlightColor", but I have no control over what was written in FS8/9) attribute, including the Beech Baron clock. Here's a snippet of the XML:
<Text ... Color="#101010" BackgroundColor="transparent" HilightColor="white">
<String>%((P:Local time,hours) flr 11 + 12 % 1 +)%!2d!:%((P:Local time,minutes) flr 60 %)%!02d!:%((P:Local time,seconds) flr 60 %)%!02d!</String>
<SELECT_CLOCK_HOURS Start="1" End="2" />
<SELECT_CLOCK_MINUTES Start="4" End="5" />
<SELECT_CLOCK_SECONDS Start="7" End="8" />
This will change the color of the hour or minute or seconds section of the clock display from dark grey (almost black) to white when the user changes the time - which happens when a CLOCK_HOURS_DEC, CLOCK_HOURS_INC, CLOCK_MINUTES_DEC, or CLOCK_MINUTES_INC is triggered.
- Anonymous
November 23, 2005
How do you add border and background color to text?
I would also like to say this is such a fantastic resource, wish it was here about 4 yrs ago.
Thanks so much
Mitch - Anonymous
November 24, 2005
Come on Susan, this is too technical. Spread some goss or rumor about flight sim 10. - Anonymous
January 14, 2006
What do the values in the Start and Stop attributes mean?
Thanks... - Anonymous
June 06, 2006
Wellcome to the real world.