Script a Custom Power Management Policy
Author: Paul Fox, Senior Consultant
Scenario: A customer wants a custom power plan for their laptop images. This is a frequent request to meet new Green initiatives in Federal and State governments.
Here are the steps to incorporate a scripted power configuration. The resulting install.cmd can be embedded into a task sequence of Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.
Note: Powercfg.exe is included in Vista, Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 operating systems.
1. Configure a power plan through the Control Panel -> Power Options UI
2. Determine the GUID of your new power plan
C:\>Powercfg –l
Existing Power Schemes (* Active)
Power Scheme GUID: 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e (Balanced) *
Power Scheme GUID: 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c (High performance)
Power Scheme GUID: a1841308-3541-4fab-bc81-f71556f20b4a (Power saver)
3. Export the power plan
C:\ >powercfg -export <plan>.pow <guid_power_plan>
3. Import the <plan.pow> as an Application into MDT server
4. Create an Install.cmd batch file in notepad and call it as a command line parameter when importing into MDT’s Applications, contents as follows:
Note: In this script powercfg.exe will generate the GUID for the imported power plan. You can also assign a GUID to the power plan by passing it with the import command.
powercfg -import filename [GUID]
Specifies a fully qualified path to a file generated by using the powercfg -export option.
(optional) Represents the settings loaded into a power scheme. If not supplied, Powercfg will generate and use a new GUID
Modify the import and set active portions with:
Set MYGUID=A6319DFD-EEF4-4644-9D74-9724744F1971
Powercfg.exe –import C:\scheme.pow %MYGUID%
Powercfg.exe –setactive %MYGUID%
If you generate your own GUID it is recommended to us a GUID generating utility (e.g. GUIDGEN included in developer tools)
:: Run Power Management Policy
:: Copy files locally, execute then delete
cd \users\public\downloads
mkdir powermgmt
cd powermgmt
copy "\\<MDT_Server>\distribution$\Applications\Laptop Power Management\*.*" \users\public\downloads\powermgmt
:: Import power plan
c:\windows\system32\powercfg -import C:\users\public\downloads\powermgmt\<plan>.pow
:: Get the GUID of the power plan
c:\windows\system32\powercfg -l > plans.txt
findstr /C "<plan_displayname>" plans.txt > import_plan.txt
:: Set power plan to active
for /F "tokens=4 delims= " %%i in (import_plan.txt) do c:\windows\system32\powercfg -setactive %%i
:: Delete
cd ..
rd /Q /S powermgmt
5. Open Control Panel -> Power Options UI and you will see you custom plan as “active.”
More information about Powercfg.exe can be found at
January 01, 2003
There is a tonne of information available on Vista power management, from whitepapers to videos to blogAnonymous
February 07, 2011
is there a way to import power settings into a scheme that already exists? everytime i try to do it it was the specified GUID already exists?Anonymous
September 15, 2011
Does this same procedure work with Windows XP w/SP3 x86 and Windows 2003 R2 w/SP2 x86 and x64? I will try it and post the results.Anonymous
May 31, 2012
What about Server 2003 under the "Advanced" Tab? For example, "When I close the lid of my portable computer:" -- I want to set it to "Do nothing" but I've not yet found a solution. Any help you could provide would be great! Thanks!Anonymous
March 11, 2014
Thank you for the nice script but I can't get it working in a batch file. I put below input & creates the power plan but doesn't get it activated
cd userspublicdownloads
mkdir powermgmt
cd powermgmt
copy "c:custompowerplan.pow" userspublicdownloadspowermgmt
powercfg -import "c:userspublicdownloadspowermgmtcustompowerplan.pow"
c:windowssystem32powercfg -l > plans.txt
findstr /C "" plans.txt > import_plan.txt
timeout /t 5
for /F "tokens=4 delims= " %i in (import_plan.txt) do c:windowssystem32powercfg -setactive %i
timeout /t 5
cd ..
rd /Q /S C:UsersPublicDownloadspowermgmtAnonymous
March 11, 2014
Kindly help. It's urgent & we really need this to be working in a batch file. [Aaron Margosis] See pfox's comment below.Anonymous
March 11, 2014
Did you enter the name of your power plan in the FindStr command?
findstr /C "" plans.txt > import_plan.txt
for example if you want to set the “Balanced” plan it should read
findstr /C "Balanced" plans.txt > import_plan.txt