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Exchange Server 2007 rollups nightmares - automate the .config file modification

Most of you Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 admins or Loadgen users as have been confronted with the problem described here : (Exchange 2007 managed code services do not start after you install an update rollup for Exchange 2007).

Those who read the above technote probably felt as I did that every solution given where stupid. You know what? They are ! Who wants to configure Internet access on an Exchange server?  

A very good description and the 'right" solution is given by Nino and the team on the EHLO blog :

I've taken the liberty to automate the .config file modification for you, just run the script on your server and this will do the job:  

ChangeExchangeConfigFile.PS1 will create, modify any .config file for :

  • Exchange services only (checking them against the service database)
  • Any exchange .exe file in the Exchange installation folder
  • or any path you will want to give

Click here for the script itself.

Edit : small bug correction on the script.
Edit2: (version 1.2) let's home is is the last bug !


