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WPF Performance: TextBoxes Galore!

I see a lot of WPF demos, repros, apps and so forth on a regular basis.  Sometimes these apps will contain, for whatever reason, a large number of TextBoxes.  Now, I have my opinions about whether or not UI looks good with that many TextBoxes but I have a stronger opinion on what should be done to make sure performance isn't significantly impacted.


(I suggest you read the "Background" below but if you just want the code, you can skip it.)


A post or two ago I mentioned that keeping track of your application's element count was important for performance (specifically, keeping the number as low as possible.)  Frequently, this includes knowing how many elements you're introducing.  Lets do some numbers.


The Numbers

A fully "template expanded" TextBox contains 30 elements (including ScrollBars.)  A minimally expanded TextBox has 10 elements.  Now, imagine you have 100 minimally expanded TextBoxes - that's 1000 elements!  Even if you haven't explicitly added TextBox elements yourself, you may have one in an ItemTemplate of an ItemsControl; this can easily increase the number of instances.


Step # 1

So, now I’ve told you what the potential problem is; only fair I should give a solution.

Well, the first question I ask is "Are the TextBoxes necessary?"  In some cases, using a TextBox is overkill and you can get away with using a TextBlock or a Label control.  Here are some simple guidelines:


  • Use TextBox if you need:
    • Text selection
    • The ability to edit the text
  • Use TextBlock or Label if you only need:
    • To display text
    • To show text of a changing value.

Step # 2

At this point, let’s say that you do need a TextBox (or many.)  Now what?  By simply dynamically changing the Template of a TextBox from 10 elements to just two – per instance!  So, with 100 minimally expanded TextBoxes we go from 1000 elements to 208!  So how do you do it!?  With some Xaml & some C#.



Below, you’ll find the Xaml necessary for this demonstration (code‑behind is required; shown below the Xaml.)


Notice that there are four TextBoxes (with varying text formatting) and a couple of Styles named TextBoxBaseStyle and BasicTextBox.  TextBoxBaseStyle is just a set of common properties I used across the TextBoxes.  BasicTextBox is the simplied, or lighter weight, version of TextBox that can be used when selection or text editing aren’t needed.  The idea is to swap the templates at the right time (notice the MouseLeftButtonDown handler on the parent StackPanel.)


It’s basically that easy along with the code below (modify the code to the behavior you want.)


<Window x:Class="TextBoxPerformance.Window1"




    Title="TextBoxPerformance" Height="300" Width="300"





  <StackPanel MouseLeftButtonDown="HandleMouseInput" Margin="5">






            Base TextBox Style



      <Style x:Key="TextBoxBaseStyle" TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">

        <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="20"/>

        <Setter Property="Margin" Value="5"/>





            Simplified TextBox Style with template & necessary






        TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}"

        BasedOn="{StaticResource TextBoxBaseStyle}">


        <Setter Property="Template">


            <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">


                BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}"

                BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}"

  Background="{TemplateBinding Background}"




                  Text="{TemplateBinding Text}"

                  TextDecorations="{TemplateBinding TextDecorations}"/>






        <Setter Property="Focusable" Value="false"/>






            A sample of TextBoxes with various formatting properties.




Style="{StaticResource BasicTextBox}"






Style="{StaticResource BasicTextBox}"




Style="{StaticResource BasicTextBox}"

FontFamily="Comic Sans MS"




Style="{StaticResource BasicTextBox}"

FontFamily="Arial" Foreground="red"









using System;

using System.Windows;

using System.Windows.Controls;

using System.Windows.Input;




namespace TextBoxPerformance



      //Generated code from WPF Project in VS


    public partial class Window1 : System.Windows.Window


        public Window1()






      //Used to track whether or not another TextBox

      //is active.


        private TextBox ActiveTextBox;



      //Actives the hit TextBox if one isn’t active.

      //Deactivates the active TextBox if something

      //else was hit.


        void HandleMouseInput(object sender, MouseEventArgs args)


            TextBox tb = args.Source as TextBox;


            if (tb == null)











      //Deactivates the active TextBox if the Enter

      // or ESC key is pressed.


        void HandleKeyInput(object sender, KeyEventArgs args)



            TextBox tb = args.Source as TextBox;


            if (tb!=null &&

            (args.Key == Key.Return || args.Key== Key.Escape))






      //Deactivate the Textbox the active TextBox.


        void HandleLostFocus(object sender, EventArgs args)


            TextBox tb = sender as TextBox;

            if (tb != null)





      //Activate the TextBox by applying the base style

      //(thereby removing the basic style.) Set focus, select

      //all the content & invalidate the visual.

      //Also, dynamically add handlers for losing focus and

      //handling key input.


        void Activate(TextBox tb)


            tb.Style = (Style)tb.FindResource("TextBoxBaseStyle");





            tb.LostFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(HandleLostFocus);

            tb.KeyDown+=new KeyEventHandler(HandleKeyInput);


            ActiveTextBox = tb;





      //Deactivate the TextBox by applying the Basic style.

      //Remove the event handlers.


        void Deactivate(TextBox tb)


            tb.Style = (Style)tb.FindResource("BasicTextBox");

            tb.LostFocus -= new RoutedEventHandler(HandleLostFocus);

            tb.KeyDown -= new KeyEventHandler(HandleKeyInput);


            ActiveTextBox = null;








Now, when a TextBox is clicked, it becomes editable.  When RETURN or ESC is pressed, the value is committed.