hhh comic series - week 17 day 7
Go behind the scenes with Seagate! Like any self-respecting CEO, Toad doesn’t try to keep it all in his head. He makes notes to hand off to an assistant. Read Toad’s email.
Brought to you by Microsoft and Seagate. Explore the ultimate action adventure from Seagate........starring you as the hero. Do you have a story idea? Submit it {here}.
June 05, 2008
No anti-seasickness meds with ZZZ's budget? Oh, right. She's not benefited yet.Anonymous
June 05, 2008
OK but you had to admit that is a good punchline.Anonymous
June 06, 2008
Ah the joys of sea travel, with it's pitches, rolls and the occasional yaw(ns) over the side...Anonymous
June 06, 2008
Is Rilla now considered the Deadliest Catch?Anonymous
June 06, 2008
I really don't get why they didn't fly... India has airports, right?Anonymous
June 06, 2008
I don't get why they didn't use remote tools. India has a network conneciton, right?Anonymous
June 07, 2008
And I also don't get where Friday's comic disappeared to. I'm about to organize a search party.