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Dude! We’re Getting The Blog Back Together!

Hello everyone! I’d like to start off by introducing myself – I’m Joe Marini, and I’m a Principal PM here on the Windows Phone team. Among the things I’m responsible for is driving our mobile Web developer strategy and engagement, and that includes reaching out to all of you. I’m going to kick that off by reviving our IE Mobile blog here and using it to disseminate information about Windows Phone IE, mobile Web development topics, sample code, etc.

Now that we have announced Windows Phone 7 and our designer/developer tools, I hope you’ve had a chance to download them from and try them out. The tools include a great Windows Phone emulator that comes with IE pre-installed, ready for you to start creating great Rich Mobile Web sites.

I’ve just returned from MIX 2010, where I gave a presentation called Designing and Developing for the Rich Mobile Web. You can find the presentation here, if you are interested. The sample code should be up shortly.

We’ll be posting more information here on the blog as it becomes available. You can also follow me on Twitter (I’m joemarini) to stay up to date on our Rich Mobile Web efforts.


It’s great to be back!


Joe Marini

Principal Program Manager