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Matusow's Blog

Comments on the software industry.

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Vacation Time

I’ll be away from the blog for a spell. I’ll get online and approve comments etc, when I can.

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 08/04/2009

Real Interoperability Projects and Documentation

It’s been a while since I was part of the core team doing the broader interop work at Microsoft. I...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 08/04/2009

A Simplified Discussion of “Open Standards” – Welcome to the Warehouse

My last post has driven some great discussion around what an open standard means. Heck, I think I...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 08/03/2009

Balance of Contributors & Implementers: A Blog Answer to Rick Jelliffe’s Post

I love reading smart people’s blogs – and Rick is definitely among that group. I have really enjoyed...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 08/02/2009

Project Tuva – Physics for People Like Me

I read on CNET today that Bill Gates and Microsoft Research had collaborated to release a series of...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 07/15/2009

Contribution, Collaboration, & Implementation – Standards Need Balance

Over the past few months, my passport has received more than its fair-share of stamps. I have spoken...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 07/13/2009

A Macro Question About Microsoft And Standards - Oh Yeah - And Is Microsoft Really Committed to Open XML?

A colleague of mine, Stuart McKee, sat on a panel recently during a Red Hat event. His comments have...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 06/24/2008

Open XML, ODF, PDF, and XPS in Office

Clearly the Press Announcement today from Microsoft will bring about another wave of discourse on...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 05/21/2008

Open XML - SC34 Maintenance Agreement

Throughout the months leading up to the BRM and then following it, there was discussion over the...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 04/10/2008

Texas Legislature - Electronic Documents Hearing

On Wednesday April 9, the Texas House of Representatives Government Reform Committee will be hearing...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 04/09/2008

More Protocol Documentation - Interop Principles Commitment

Just a quick note. MS is continuing to follow-through on the interop principles commitment made...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 04/08/2008

van den Beld Post & Participation - Open XML continued

The complaints keep rolling in on Groklaw about the outcome from Open XML. ***UPDATE #2: I went out...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 04/04/2008

Building Bridges to other XML-based Formats

I have repeatedly made the argument that it is bad logic that leads you to the conclusion that there...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/29/2008

United States Votes to Approve Open XML

The United States national body has voted to approve DIS 29500 with 11 votes "yes," 4 votes "no," 1...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/14/2008

DIS 29500 Meets All JTC 1 IPR Requirements for Approval as an International Standard

The FUD machine from the anti-Open XML camp has been running on the high-octane fuel of the Software...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/14/2008

I just saw this come through in email, and would point you to Doug Mahugh's blog that the US V1...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/07/2008

Interop & Open XML Grab Bag

Busy, busy, busy. So many things going on at once. I have been meaning to write about a few items...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/07/2008

Positive Comments on the BRM from the Denmark NSB

The national standard body for Denmark has posted some short comments about the BRM. For the moment,...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/03/2008

Rick Jeliffe of the Australian Delegation Commented on the BRM

Rick has pulled his blog posting about the BRM for the moment due to the fact that he will be...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/03/2008

Ecma International Comments on the BRM

Ecma International released its comments on the BRM. The Ballot Resolution Meeting was a very...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/03/2008

The Open XML Ballot Resolution Meeting (BRM) Was An Unqualified Success

The DIS 29500 ballot resolution meeting (BRM) finished up in Geneva today and was an unqualified...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 02/29/2008

Geneva Day 3 - Open XML BRM, OFE Event, and the blogosphere continued...

First An article in CIO Magazine online The CIO of Denmark comments that no matter what happens at...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 02/28/2008

Open XML BRM Day 2 Thoughts

Well it would seem that facts, rumors, and opinions are flowing fast and hard from Geneva. There...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 02/26/2008

Microsoft Takes Next Step In Delivering Interoperability

Today Microsoft made a substantive announcement about interoperability and I’d like to discuss the...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 02/21/2008

Sage Words From Patrick Durusau (ODF Project Editor)

I included a reference to Partick's open letter in my posting of yesterday. The more I thought about...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 02/20/2008

Open XML: The BRM...The BRM...Oh My!...The BRM

After more than a year of writing about standardization of document formats, we sit on the verge of...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 02/19/2008

Burton Group Conversation on Doc Formats

If you haven't seen this - there is an interesting conversation under way over at the Burton Group's...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 02/13/2008

Doc Formats and the State of Minnesota

Last summer, I spent an enjoyable day with a wide range of people in Minneapolis. There were a few...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 02/12/2008

Document Format Junky Alert - New Blogger On The Block

Gray Knowlton from the Office product team is now blogging, and it is interesting stuff for any...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 01/08/2008

A New Web Site for the New Year

Happy New Year to those of you who regularly read this blog. I have been on vacation and promised...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 01/07/2008

Ecma Posts Next Set of Open XML Dispositions for Review by National Standards Bodies

Just a quick note: Ecma International posted a statement that they have dropped the second set of...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 12/12/2007
