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Jason headed to Europe in November

SCUG_BE_logoNovember promises to be a fun time across Europe.  Here are a few of the places I will be:

November 3 – Brussels

Am looking forward to seeing some of my friends at the System Center Users Group in Belgium.  More details to follow on what I will be speaking on.WarOnCost

November 5 – London

Am supporting InfraMon’s War On Costs event.  Last wear was awesome aboard the HMS Belfast (see blog below), so looking forward to another historic venue in London’s Cabinet War Rooms … and a phenomenal lineup of systems management topics.  Check out Inframon’s new site for more on War On Cost.

And of course …

November 8-12 is Microsoft TechEd in Berlin:  

Tuesday (Nov.9) MGT201 Will be clicking some cool demos for the Management Track kickoff
  MGT205 Introducing the next generation of System Center Operations Manager
Wednesday (Nov.10) MGT320-IS Enabling the Dynamic Datacenter & getting ready for the cloud *
  MGT308 System Center Data Protection Manger 2010 in the datacenter
  MGT204 What’s new in Operations Manager since R2 *
Thursday (Nov.11) MGT309 Managing the heterogeneous environment thru Xplat and 3rd party integration *

      * Other folks are delivering the OpsMgr sessions but I will be there for moral support and Q&ATechEd Europe 2010

So, it ought to be a fun trip – but it would be more fun if I can meet with you!

If you are in one of these venues and want to share coffee, ping me.