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Early technical preview of JDBC 6.1.4 for SQL Server released!

We are excited to release another early technical preview of the JDBC Driver for SQL Server. The focus of this preview release was enabling Azure Active Directory authentication on Linux, improving the FIPS experience, and adding methods committed in community contributions. Precompiled binaries are available on GitHub here and also on Maven Central.

Below is a summary of the new additions to the project, changes made, and issues fixed.


  • Added isWrapperFor methods for MetaData classes #94
  • Added Code Coverage #136
  • Added TVP schema test #137
  • Introduced FIPS boolean property #135
  • Added unit statement test cases #147


  • Getting TVP name from ParameterMetaData when using TVP with a stored procedure #138
  • Enabled AAD Authentication with Access Token on Linux #142
  • Enabled AAD Authentication with ActiveDirectoryPassword on Linux #146
  • Made Azure Key Vault and Azure Active Directory Authentication Dependencies optional #148

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed getBinaryStream issue #133
  • Fixed an issue of Bulk Copy when AlwaysEncrypted is enabled on connection and destination table is not encrypted #151

Getting the Preview Refresh
The latest bits are available on our GitHub repository and Maven Central.

Add the JDBC preview driver to your Maven project by adding the following code to your POM file to include it as a dependency in your project.


We provide limited support while in preview. Should you run into any issues, please file an issue on our GitHub Issues page.

As always, we welcome contributions of any kind. We appreciate everyone who has taken the time to contribute to the project thus far.

Check out our new tutorials to get started with developing apps in your programming language of choice and SQL Server.

Andrea Lam (