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Microsoft Office 12, RSS WebPart, stuff

Here's an article with public statements about Office 12:

Facing 'new world of work,' Microsoft locks up Office

I like to read the reactions people have to the public disclosures that occur. For my part, I never blog about non-public software initiatives here. But, if Chris Capossela wants to say things about Office plans to CNet, that OK with me. BTW: He's a terrific guy- super smart (no surprise), and a great communicator.

One of my friends emailed me this morning asking if I knew of an RSS WebPart for SharePoint. I know of only this one:

SharePoint RSS/Atom Reader

I am going to take my oldest son to see Revenge of the Sith this week (I'm letting him skip a couple of hours of school so we can see the matinee- I know I shouldn't encourage playing hookie for a movie, but hey- you've got to live a little!). I keep hearing great things about this show.

Rock Thought for the Day: I listened to Frank Zappa's Hot Rats jazz/rock fusion oddity. Wildly creative. Music from the 70's continues to interest me more and more.

Rock On