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Adding features with DISM

While I find it a little odd, for some reason this has been the week of DISM requests at work.  One of the top requests has been on how you enable features with the DISM utility.  I dont know why this is popping up all of the sudden but thought I would address is briefly for anyone who might have the question.

DISM is the inbox utility included with Win7/2008 R2 installations that can do all sorts of cool stuff.  I would suggest that anyone who actively reads my blog start getting used to this tool over PKGMGR and some of the other in-box utilities you’re used to using as DISM is becoming the preferred method for servicing operations in the OS.  Anyways, one of the things you can do inside of DISM is add roles and features while the system is online without the need to open server manager.  Some people find this to be useful, especially if they are used to a command line or scriptable interface.  The only real catch to DISM is to make sure that you know the name of the feature you wish to install or remove (I’ve piped the list out for server at the end of this entry).  The DISM command that you need to do an installation of a feature is:

DISM /online /enable-feature /featurename:<name of feature>

Note: The featurename syntax is case sensitive so make sure you're typing it out as it appears in the list below.

The following is the feature list for Windows 2008 R2 SP1:

Features listing for package : Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7601.17514

----------------------------------------------------------- | --------
Feature Name                                                | State  
----------------------------------------------------------- | --------
DirectoryServices-DomainController-Tools                    | Disabled
IIS-WebServerRole                                           | Enabled
IIS-WebServer                                               | Enabled
IIS-CommonHttpFeatures                                      | Enabled
IIS-HttpErrors                                              | Disabled
IIS-HttpRedirect                                            | Disabled
IIS-ApplicationDevelopment                                  | Enabled
IIS-Security                                                | Enabled
IIS-URLAuthorization                                        | Disabled
IIS-RequestFiltering                                        | Enabled
IIS-NetFxExtensibility                                      | Enabled
IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics                                    | Enabled
IIS-HttpLogging                                             | Disabled
IIS-LoggingLibraries                                        | Disabled
IIS-RequestMonitor                                          | Disabled
IIS-HttpTracing                                             | Disabled
IIS-IPSecurity                                              | Disabled
IIS-Performance                                             | Enabled
IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic                                  | Disabled
IIS-WebServerManagementTools                                | Enabled
IIS-ManagementScriptingTools                                | Disabled
IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility                             | Disabled
IIS-Metabase                                                | Disabled
WAS-WindowsActivationService                                | Enabled
WAS-ProcessModel                                            | Enabled
WAS-NetFxEnvironment                                        | Enabled
WAS-ConfigurationAPI                                        | Enabled
IIS-HostableWebCore                                         | Disabled
IIS-ISAPIExtensions                                         | Disabled
IIS-ISAPIFilter                                             | Disabled
IIS-StaticContent                                           | Disabled
IIS-DefaultDocument                                         | Disabled
IIS-DirectoryBrowsing                                       | Disabled
IIS-WebDAV                                                  | Disabled
IIS-ASPNET                                                  | Disabled
IIS-ASP                                                     | Disabled
IIS-CGI                                                     | Disabled
IIS-ServerSideIncludes                                      | Disabled
IIS-CustomLogging                                           | Disabled
IIS-BasicAuthentication                                     | Disabled
IIS-HttpCompressionStatic                                   | Disabled
IIS-ManagementConsole                                       | Disabled
IIS-ManagementService                                       | Disabled
IIS-WMICompatibility                                        | Disabled
IIS-LegacyScripts                                           | Disabled
IIS-LegacySnapIn                                            | Disabled
IIS-FTPServer                                               | Disabled
IIS-FTPSvc                                                  | Disabled
IIS-FTPExtensibility                                        | Disabled
Smtpsvc-Admin-Update-Name                                   | Disabled
Smtpsvc-Service-Update-Name                                 | Disabled
NetFx3                                                      | Enabled
WCF-HTTP-Activation                                         | Enabled
WCF-NonHTTP-Activation                                      | Enabled
DirectoryServices-DomainController                          | Disabled
DirectoryServices-ADAM                                      | Disabled
OEMHelpCustomization                                        | Disabled
CorporationHelpCustomization                                | Disabled
Printing-LPRPortMonitor                                     | Disabled
Printing-InternetPrinting-Client                            | Disabled
Printing-AdminTools-Collection                              | Disabled
BitLocker                                                   | Disabled
BitLocker-RemoteAdminTool                                   | Disabled
BdeAducExtTool                                              | Disabled
SimpleTCP                                                   | Disabled
SNMP                                                        | Disabled
WMISnmpProvider                                             | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-Web-Services-for-Management-IIS-Extension | Disabled
LightweightServer                                           | Disabled
MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellISE                               | Disabled
RemoteAssistance                                            | Disabled
WSRM                                                        | Disabled
TelnetServer                                                | Disabled
TelnetClient                                                | Disabled
BiometricFramework                                          | Disabled
IIS-WindowsAuthentication                                   | Disabled
IIS-DigestAuthentication                                    | Disabled
IIS-ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication                  | Disabled
IIS-IISCertificateMappingAuthentication                     | Disabled
IIS-ODBCLogging                                             | Disabled
Printing-Server-Role                                        | Disabled
Printing-LPDPrintService                                    | Disabled
BusScan-ScanServer                                          | Disabled
Printing-InternetPrinting-Server                            | Disabled
FaxServiceConfigRole                                        | Disabled
FaxServiceRole                                              | Disabled
DFSR-Infrastructure-ServerEdition                           | Disabled
DHCPServer                                                  | Disabled
DHCPServer-Tools                                            | Disabled
DHCPServer-RSATClient-Tools                                 | Disabled
NetworkLoadBalancingFullServer                              | Disabled
FailoverCluster-FullServer                                  | Disabled
NetworkLoadBalancingManagementClient                        | Disabled
FailoverCluster-AdminPak                                    | Disabled
InkSupport                                                  | Enabled
DesktopExperience                                           | Enabled
MediaPlayback                                               | Enabled
WindowsMediaPlayer                                          | Enabled
HandwritingRecognition                                      | Disabled
AppServer                                                   | Disabled
AppServer-UI                                                | Disabled
Licensing                                                   | Disabled
Licensing-UI                                                | Disabled
SessionDirectory                                            | Disabled
SBMgr-UI                                                    | Disabled
WebAccess                                                   | Disabled
SUA                                                         | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-Deployment-Services                       | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-Deployment-Services-Transport-Server      | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-Deployment-Services-Deployment-Server     | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-Deployment-Services-Legacy-SIS            | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-Deployment-Services-Admin-Pack            | Disabled
ActiveDirectory-PowerShell                                  | Disabled
DirectoryServices-AdministrativeCenter                      | Disabled
DNS-Server-Full-Role                                        | Disabled
DirectoryServices-ADAM-Tools                                | Disabled
DNS-Server-Tools                                            | Disabled
WINSRuntime                                                 | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-Internet-Naming-Service-AdminTools        | Disabled
IAS NT Service                                              | Disabled
HCSRuntime                                                  | Disabled
HCSUI                                                       | Disabled
RPC-HTTP_Proxy                                              | Disabled
Gateway                                                     | Disabled
Gateway-UI                                                  | Disabled
NPSManagementTools                                          | Disabled
HCAP-Server                                                 | Disabled
RasServer                                                   | Disabled
RasServerAdminTools                                         | Disabled
RasServerAll                                                | Disabled
RasRoutingProtocols                                         | Disabled
RasCMAK                                                     | Disabled
AdminUI                                                     | Disabled
NIS                                                         | Disabled
RSAT-NIS                                                    | Disabled
PSync                                                       | Disabled
WirelessNetworking                                          | Disabled
WindowsRecoveryDisc                                         | Disabled
WindowsServerBackup                                         | Disabled
WindowsServerBackupCommandlet                               | Disabled
ServicesForNFS-ServerAndClient                              | Disabled
ServerForNFS-Infrastructure                                 | Disabled
ClientForNFS-Infrastructure                                 | Disabled
NFS-Administration                                          | Disabled
DFS-Replication-All                                         | Disabled
DfsMgmt                                                     | Disabled
FSRM-Infrastructure                                         | Disabled
FSRM-Management                                             | Disabled
CoreFileServer                                              | Disabled
BITSExtensions-Upload                                       | Disabled
BITSExtensions-AdminPack                                    | Disabled
MSRDC-Infrastructure                                        | Disabled
FRS-Infrastructure                                          | Disabled
StorageManagerForSANs                                       | Disabled
Indexing-Service-Package                                    | Disabled
iSNS_Service                                                | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ServerAdminTools-Update       | Disabled
TFTP                                                        | Disabled
MultipathIo                                                 | Disabled
DirectoryServices-ISM-Smtp                                  | Disabled
SearchEngine-Server-Package                                 | Enabled
CertificateServicesManagementTools                          | Disabled
CertificateServices                                         | Disabled
OnlineRevocationServicesManagementTools                     | Disabled
OnlineRevocationServices                                    | Disabled
WebEnrollmentServices                                       | Disabled
NetworkDeviceEnrollmentServices                             | Disabled
CertificateEnrollmentPolicyServer                           | Disabled
CertificateEnrollmentServer                                 | Disabled
P2P-PnrpOnly                                                | Disabled
MSMQ-Server                                                 | Disabled
MSMQ-Triggers                                               | Disabled
MSMQ-ADIntegration                                          | Disabled
MSMQ-HTTP                                                   | Disabled
MSMQ-Multicast                                              | Disabled
MSMQ-DCOMProxy                                              | Disabled
MSMQ-RoutingServer                                          | Disabled
Printing-XPSServices-Features                               | Enabled
DFSN-Server                                                 | Disabled
ADFS-FederationService                                      | Disabled
ADFS-FederationServiceProxy                                 | Disabled
ADFS-WebAgentClaims                                         | Disabled
ADFS-WebAgentToken                                          | Disabled
RightsManagementServices                                    | Disabled
RMS-Federation                                              | Disabled
RightsManagementServices-AdminTools                         | Disabled
QWAVE                                                       | Disabled
PeerDist                                                    | Disabled
SIS-Limited                                                 | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V                                           | Enabled
VmHostAgent                                                 | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-Clients                        | Enabled
DamgmtTools                                                 | Disabled
Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64                            | Enabled
SMBHashGeneration                                           | Disabled
ServerMigration                                             | Disabled
Xps-Foundation-Xps-Viewer                                   | Disabled
TIFFIFilter                                                 | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-RemoteFX-Host-Package                     | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-RemoteFX-EmbeddedVideoCap-Setup-Package   | Disabled



  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Point taken Charles, I'll redo the formatting into a table once I am back at the office on Monday and repost it for Win7 and 2008R2.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Noted Tony.  It's something thats come up before :)

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Is there any in depth documentation how DISM itself is set up and how it collects providers and initializes and what error codes mean? If I had a better understanding of how it works I might fix a problem that I documented here: Or maybe a servicing guy would help ... :)

  • Anonymous
    August 26, 2010
    just wish that I could point it to a setup.exe and do an install on an offline image!

  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2011
    The /format:table option would have made a shorter, easier to read list; dism /online /get-features /format:table

  • Anonymous
    September 06, 2013
    What does the AdminUI feature do?