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SPS 2003 : How to enable your custom fields (columns) for search

Here you go for the steps to enalbe your custom fields to search.

Step 1: Add the custom column (EmpName) in the Shared Documents document library

Step 2: Add a document into the shared documents with custom column values

Step 3: Crawl the content database
Portal home page -> Site Settings -> Configure Search and Indexing - > Manage Content indexes -> Click Drop down button of Non_Portal_Content -> Start Full Update

Step 4: Add the custom properties in Advanced Search
Portal Home Page - >Site Settings -> Manage Properties from Crawled documents -> Expand urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office -> Click ows_EmpName -> In Search options, Select “Include this property in Advanced options” and select “Display this property in item details in search results” and click ok

Step 5: Crawled the content database
Portal home page -> Site Settings -> Configure Search and Indexing - > Manage Content indexes -> Click Drop down button of Non_Portal_Content -> Start Full Update


Now  you can happily search for your custom column values