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Hello World - Reflection Style

My name is Kathy Kam and I am the newest addition to the Common Language Runtime (CLR) Program Management (PM) team. Like another PM on my team, JoelPob, I also grew up in the "Land Down Under". I left Sydney to pursue a degree in Computer Engineering and Mathematics at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. Upon graduation, I joined Microsoft as a developer for Microsoft Office Outlook. Four years later, after shipping Microsoft Office System 2003, a handful of Service Packs and working on Office 12 for two years, I decided to become a PM on the CLR team and here I am, writing my first post!

This blog will be a record of my insights to the .NET world. In the computing community, the first thing any developer writes is a "Hello World" program. Since this is a blog for all the computer geeks in us. Here it is, "Hello World" Reflection style:

using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace HelloWorld
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
foreach (FieldInfo fi in typeof(HelloObj).GetFields())
Console.Write(fi.Name + " ");

    class HelloObj
// My output
public string Hello;
public int World;
public bool from;
public int[] Kathy;
public float Kam;

The output will be:

> Hello World from Kathy Kam