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Framework Design Guidelines 2nd Edition

My blog was relatively silent for several weeks. First, I was traveling to Europe for the TechEd, then was busy at work, then the holiday break. It's time to go back to more regular posting.

I will start with an announcement (or at least a more formal and broader announcement): after my TechEd presentation, the first question I got from the audience was whether we are working on a new edition of the Framework Design Guidelines. The answer is "yes", which I am super excited about. Right before the conference, we signed formal documents with the publisher and started wortking on the book. It's going to cover the new features in the .NET Framework 3.0, 3.5, and new advances in languages (e.g. LINQ) that are relevant to Framework design. BTW, I would appreciate feedback on what specifically you would like to get covered or clarified.

We are shooting to have the book ready around the end of 2008, but the publisher already sent me a draft of the cover art: