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PFE Experiences and more

Application Request Routing (ARR 3.0)

Application Request Routing (ARR 3.0)

Date: 01/30/2015

Entrepreneurship the way to go now!

This is an interesting infographic I wanted to share. Get the full article here....

Date: 12/31/2014

IIS 8.5

Enhanced Logging for IIS 8.5Logging to Event Tracing for Windows in IIS 8.5Dynamic Website...

Date: 11/30/2014

IIS Web Ecosystem

Here, I will show the components of the IIS Web Eco System. This presentation was delivered at the...

Date: 10/29/2014

MUST READ: Windows Server 2003 End-of-Support

Windows Server 2003 is coming to an End-of-Life on July 14, 2015. Personally, I love Windows Server...

Date: 09/02/2014

Windows 9 or Windows Threshold

Soon Sept 30, Windows 9 info...

Date: 08/27/2014

Heartbleed Bug and IIS

The Heartbleed Bug is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library....

Date: 08/27/2014

Wireless Networks for Hyper-V

Out of the box Hyper-V does not support connecting virtual machines to wireless network adapters. As...

Date: 08/27/2014

IIS is now the market leader with a 37.5% share of all sites

Based on NetCraft's web server survey: A few months ago, reported about the growth...

Date: 08/27/2014

New Post about Debugging by Roberto Farah

After two years of absence from his blog, my friend Roberto Farah has published a new article...

Date: 05/13/2014

IIS adoption is about 6 points to overtake Apache

NETCRAFT - February 2014 Web Server Survey In the February 2014 survey we received responses from...

Date: 03/30/2014

Migration from VB6 to VB.NET

There are still many Visual Basic 6.0 applications running in server’s customers, most of them...

Date: 12/01/2013

Windows 8.1 now available!

Taken from the Windows Blog....Windows 8.1 is ready for download...Free for those running windows 8....

Date: 10/17/2013

Web Deploy 3.1

We know that with Web Deployment Tool we can accomplish migrations between different IIS versions:...

Date: 07/30/2013

FixIt Center Pro

Hi Being a support engineer require to be updated about a vast array of support and research sources...

Date: 06/29/2013

Predictions for application development software for 2013

Based in a Article published by IDC the following are the 10 most important predictions for...

Date: 04/09/2013

SSL Very Basic Good Video

I was navigating though YouTube and found a very well edited basic video about SSL and in order to...

Date: 02/15/2013

Team Explorer Everywhere

Your team can collaborate across platforms and improve the predictability of your development...

Date: 11/10/2012

Hyper-V and wireless adapter

For any of the error messages shown below when trying to use Wireless adapters on Hyper-V guest...

Date: 10/11/2012

Windows 8 Shortcuts

Here is a compiled list of Windows 8 Shortcuts, for fast review =)

Date: 09/29/2012

Do Not Track - DNT:1

DNT (Do Not Track) I´m wondering how many people (mostly advertisement companies) must be...

Date: 09/14/2012

404 Page Not Found and Similars

This page can´t be displayed - IE10 This is not exactly a 404 HTTP Status Code, this page...

Date: 06/29/2012

Workstation Visual Studio Load Test Basic

I recently performed a load test using visual studio and the experience was in some way smooth so I...

Date: 05/05/2012

500.13 Server Too Busy

I recently worked in a case where my customer was getting the following and very common error:...

Date: 04/25/2012

The DLL you specified is not a valid version of the Debugging Tools

Hi I was configuring symbols in the last version of ProcessExplorer that I recently downloaded and I...

Date: 04/18/2012

USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt

It’s been declared the top PC innovation of all time, and for good reason. You use USB every...

Date: 03/28/2012

HTTP Error 500.21 - PageHandlerFactory-Integrated

Tratando de correr una applicacion, desarrollada por un tercero, que utiliza el .Net 4.0 me encontre...

Date: 02/25/2012

Que significa ser PFE ?

PFE acrónimo de Premier Field Engineer (Ingenieros de Soporte Premier) es un rol dentro de la...

Date: 02/22/2012

Basics of ASP.NET Session State

Recently I was working with a customer about basic stuff related to move their application using...

Date: 02/13/2012

BizkTalk Pipelines

Hi This is a brief summary of BizTalk Pipelines in order to have it at hand for a quick review. It...

Date: 12/27/2011

BizTalk Issues and Errors

HI, Here I’m going to post some error I have found on the Field. So hopefully it would be of...

Date: 11/11/2011

BizTalk Basic

What is BizTalk? BizTalk is a message conversion system. You give it MessageA and it converts it to...

Date: 09/13/2011

SOAP Adapters - Event ID 5740, 5743

Un fin de semana como cualquier otros y sin ninguna razon aparente, aparecieron en el Event Viewer...

Date: 08/08/2011

PSSDIAG in Biztalk 2004

Hi, Recently I have to run PSSDiag in a BizTalk 2004 customer installation. PSSDIAG is a Tool used...

Date: 07/25/2011

ASP.NETRequest Execution Time

Recientemente un cliente me solicito definir con claridad cual es tiempo que mide este contador y me...

Date: 05/18/2011

ScheduledTask Adapter v3.0 Installation

Once, I asked myself why there are so many people writing the same stuff over again on blogs and...

Date: 04/01/2011

Using ASP.Net 1.1 in IIS7 or IIS7.5

NOTE: .NET Framework 1.1 is not supported any more on Windows 8 and Windows 2012 I meet a customer...

Date: 03/21/2011

WCF IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults property

A short tip to discover more information when debugging exceptions. When using WCF Adapter in...

Date: 03/21/2011


Hi I´m a Christian guy and a Support Field Engineer at Microsoft, and I will use this blog as...

Date: 03/19/2011