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We're going to Las Vegas

As MiX conference currently takes place here - I travelled "over" to Las Vegas. 15h of flight! That's really hard.

We departed at 10:50am in Vienna with Austrian Airlines towards Washington. Although economy class was as narrow as always we had nevertheless a lot of fun. They had small screens, where we could watch a lot of cool movies (like Disney's Pocahontas ;-)) as well as get ourselves ready for Las Vegas by playing Roulette (unfortunately without real money).IMAGE_076IMAGE_079 

I tried hard not to get asleep! So I spend my time with watching movies, reading Harry Potter (The order of the phoenix) and eating "delicious" food served by the stewardesses. Every now and then I had to walk around in the narrow airplane, otherwise my feet would have fallen off...


(no comments..)

Finally we arrived.. no.. not in Las Vegas, but in Washington! After getting out of the aircraft we had to wait at the immigration counters to get our temp-immigration sheet. There was a long queue in front of the counter, which didn't get any shorter (although we were already waiting half an hour).

Thank god they were playing a nice ad-movie about the beauty of America ;-)


Finally an immigration officer told the waiting crowd, that their computers had hang up (I removed all "Microsoft" labeled items on my backbag and jacket in a hurry)..

So we had to wait and wait.. and watch the beautiful ad, about people talking of equal chances mixed with beautiful scenes of canions...

After what seemed like 100 repeats of the movie the computers were fixed again and we were finally allowed to immigrate.

Time to our connection flight was rather short, so we hurried to the boarding-gate, where we got into the airplane. Big mistake: The airline (TED) had nearly no meals (only pre-built snack boxes with chips,.. for lots of money..). So we were starving for the next 5 hours until we finally arrived in LAS VEGAS!!


I have to say Las Vegas is really nice! Especially the Venetian Hotel, where the MiX conference takes place. Everything here is styled like in Venice. They even have a small canal "grande" with condolas.

But will MiX be worthwhile 15 hard hours of travel.. ?! Let's see!
