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CodePlex Videos on Port 25

Interested in CodePlex? Subscribe to the CodePlex tag on Port 25. As of the date of this post there are two interviews (Sara Ford's and mine with timeline thanks to Sara) along with a blog post by Bryan Kirchner in which he discusses "two of the most important studies of the motivations of open source developers". I expect there to be more.

Personally, I'd like to see more interviews like Sara's on Port 25, interviews that provide a window into the motivations, perspectives, and personalities of the amazing individuals who create and maintain open and shared source projects on CodePlex. Of course, that might involve sending Sam Ramji and Jamie Cannon, of Port 25, to far away places like Hawaii to interview folks like Rob Connery, the coordinator of Commerce Starter Kit. Then again, Sam could just conduct the interviews via video telecon and avoid all that icky travel. ;-)
